Do weapons, ammunitions and explosives contribute to climate change? What can be done to reduce the military's carbon footprint?
Tag - Sc – Climate Change
Can humanity muster the political will and moral courage to avert a worldwide catastrophe of unprecedented magnitude?
The unpredictability of earthquakes has puzzled scientists for centuries. They are unique among natural disasters in their sudden onset and lack of warning.
IPCC's climate change report shows climate change is a dire warning and is a grave and mounting threat to our well-being and a healthy planet.
The Doomsday Clock says there are only 100 seconds to midnight. With world destruction so close, what needs to be done to preserve our existene?
Who won the 2021 Nobel Prize in Physics? Read this article to find out how three great scientists contributed to physics.
Which one is more likely to cause the end of civilisation: climate change or nuclear warfare: What's Your View?
The Amazon rainforest is one the greatest ecological systems in the world and one of the most threatened by human development. What can be done to preserve...
A comprehensive exploration of the many ways Islam teaches us to show kindness to the land, animals and planet to prevent climate change.
This article explores how religion evolved in the continent, and disproves the stereotype of Africa as an undeveloped and backward place.
Going green: Islamic perspective on the environmental crisis.
A review of some of the major environmental issues issues facing the world today and Islam’s answers to these.