Doing good deeds should be done with the intention of pleasing God Almighty.
Tag - Prayer
Teachings of the Promised Messiah (as) on the need and wonders of prayer and supplicating to God.
Whilst Ahmadi Muslims are able to hold religious gatherings in the West, they face a terrible reality in other parts of the world.
The responsibilities that come with constructing a mosque and why it should not be exclusive to any faith.
The Promised Messiah & Imam Mahdi (as) states that worship should be carried out from the heart and not as a mere formality.
"From that day onward, I clearly understood the subject of the existence of Allah and nothing has shaken my unwavering belief that there is a God."
In actuality, human nature is not inherently evil, nor is a thing evil in itself; rather, improper use makes it so. Display, for instance, is not bad in itself...
Here the Promised Messiah & Imam Mahdi (as) gives a deeper explanation of the purpose of fasting.
© Shutterstock Our Holy Master and Benefactor’s prayers were so extensive that there was not even a moment devoid of them. He prayed for those of his followers...
A true story of how the Pall family went from uncertainty in a new country to getting a house for free, all by God's grace
© Shutterstock Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as), the Promised Messiah & Imam Mahdi The Promised Messiah (as) wrote over 80 books in Arabic, Urdu, and Persian...
His Holiness (aba) said that God has indicated that praying has a very special connection with Ramadan and fasting. Hence, in this blessed month, we should...
One glorious aspect of the prayers of the Holy Prophet Muhammad’s (sa) was that on receiving information from God, he used to inform about their acceptance...
The story of a 'golden sari' gone missing, a seemingly hopeless search, and a lesson taught by God, all in the month of Ramadan
After reciting Tashahhud, Ta‘awwuz and Surah al-Fatihah, His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (aba) recited the following verse of the Holy Qur’an: ‘O ye...
A story of how against all odds and without any way in sight, the power of prayer helped Nasser Mahmood miraculously find a job
Prayer is the only weapon we have. I pray for an end to bloodshed, mass killings, displacement, and starvation.
A poem discussing the themes of justice, prayer and the inevitable triumph of good over evil in the context of the horrors of a genocidal war.
© Shutterstock In the previous edition, we explored the deeper meanings of why Allah used the command ‘Say’ in the beginning of this chapter. In this edition...
The fruits of the extraordinary prayers of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa) were evident in the blessing and exceptional increase in sustenance and wealth...
When the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa) arrived in Madinah after migrating from Makkah, Madinah was an area of rampant epidemics, and on arrival, some companions...
© Shutterstock Sarmad Naveed, Canada Watching millions circle the Holy Ka’bah during Hajj, the obligatory Islamic pilgrimage to Makkah, is truly a majestic...
Of course, if a heart is overwhelmed by the greatness, omnipotence and fear of Allah the Exalted, causing it to melt with emotion, and if this moves a person...
His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (aba) said that Allah the Almighty accepts the repentance of His servants, on the condition that it is true repentance...
During the Holy Prophet Muhammad’s (sa) stay in Makkah when he was distressed by the constant refusal and persistent opposition to his mission, he planned to...
© Shutterstock Tariq Mahmood, Toronto, Canada From the meteoric rise of garage start-ups to the conquests of ancient nations, history preaches to us with...
© Shutterstock Tariq Mahmood, Canada It is said our anthropological ancestors were forced to fast for days at a time as they hunted their next meal. The great...
@Shutterstock God was a hidden treasure. He wished to be recognised, so He created man and endowed him with the knowledge of His attributes and entity. One...
@Shutterstock The etiquettes of prayer require praise and glorification of God before the start of the actual prayer. The prayers are more likely to be...
@Shutterstock The Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa) taught us the secrets of acceptance of prayer which were based on his own experience and observance. He pinpointed...