Tag - IsH – ‘Islamic History’

Khilafat Prophets

Khilafat in Islam

Our curtain raiser review of the concept of Khilafat as presented in Islam. A Khalifa is a Vicegerent and is appointed by God. Can Khilafat be perpetuated by a...


History of Islam

A brief history of Islam from the Caliphats, through the medieval era, the Mongols and Ottoman Empires to today (well, 1947), including a background to the...


Division and Unity

Review of Religions: December 200144 Questioner: I wish to ask how we can know that of the seventy-two sects which exist within Islam why is the Ahmadiyya...



Review of Religions: Oct/Nov 2001 5 The philosophy and true nature of jihad is a complex matter and a delicate issue, the lack of under- standing of which has...


Sources of Sirat

SOURCES OF SIRAT (2) .(Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad) EARLY ISLAMIC TRADITIONS Next to the Quran are those traditions which, whether theological, exegetical or...