The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community held an interfaith event in Islamabad, Tilford. After it was over, I interviewed some of the guests.
Tag - Interfaith
A historic event took place on Thursday 25th July 2024, when a Christian Chairman held her election ceremony at a Muslim conference.
© Shutterstock The hypocrites, men and women, are all connected one with another. They enjoin evil and forbid good, and keep their hands closed. They...
Which religions are practised by the people of Ghana? How well do members of these various faith coexist? Can unity be found in diversity?
How do Ahmadi schools contribute to the harmonious social fabric of Ghanaian society? What can other schools learn from the Ahmadiyya model?
"...there are so many instances where Jewish people facing persecution in Christian countries fled to Muslim territories for sanctuary..."
Muslims and Jews join together in a mosque in the Holy Land as part of an interfaith event hosted by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community.