For too long, the religion of Islam has been misrepresented and misunderstood and its teachings misquoted. It has been attacked from within by the reprehensible representations of so called Muslims and their clerics, while it has also been attacked by those who wish to do away with the religion altogether. In light of this, The Review of Religions is pleased to this brand new addition to its website; Facts from Fiction – a section dedicated to clarifying misconceptions, responding to allegations, and presenting the true, beautiful teachings of Islam and Ahmadiyyat. Stay tuned to this page, to distinguish ‘Facts from Fiction’
Pregnant or Nursing? Islam Grants You an Exemption from Fasting
Fasting is prescribed for all Muslims, but does that include even those Muslim women who are pregnant or nursing their children? …
Allah Does Not Pray To Anyone: Distinguishing Facts from Fiction
What is the real meaning of the Arabic word 'salla'? Why is it being misinterpreted by those with an agenda? …
Muhammad (sa) and the 600 Jews of Madinah – A False Allegation
The true story which dismantles the false allegation levelled against the Holy Prophet (sa) regarding the 600 Jews of Madinah …
Death for Apostasy? How the Christians and Muslims Both Got it Wrong on the PBD Podcast
Contrary to what was asserted by Christians and Muslims on the PBD Podcast, Islam does not impose the death penalty for apostasy. …
Jesus Descending from the Skies – A Big Issue for the Entire Ummah
Uncovering the misconceptions about the descent of Jesus a topic which is widely misunderstood in the Muslim ummah …
Pets in Muslim Households? – What the BBC & Richard Dawkins Got Wrong About Animals & Islam
What does Islam say about the treatment of animals? The Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa) always taught to show compassion …
With Veganism on the Rise, Why Do Muslims Still Sacrifice Animals on Eid?
Understanding why, in an era where veganism is on the rise, Muslims sacrifice animals to commemorate the occasion of Eid al-Adha …
Abraham’s Sacrifice According to Christianity and Islam
Analysing the sacrifices made by Abraham and his family according to the accounts given by the sacred texts of Christianity and Islam …
Was the Holy Qur’an Revealed in Ramadan?
What does it mean when God states that the Holy Qur'an was revealed during the month of Ramadan? …
As a ‘Point of Theology’ the Muslim Council of Britain Doesn’t Understand the Definition of a Muslim
In an interview on LBC, Secretary-General of the Muslim Council of Britain misrepresented the teachings of Islam and Ahmadiyyat …
The Holy Spirit: Four Questions Answered
An explanation on the belief of angels and the Holy Spirit, as explained by the Promised Messiah (as). …
The Persian Reformer Foretold by the Holy Prophet (sa)
The Holy Prophet (sa) foretold the coming of a reformer who would be of Persian lineage. This was fulfilled in the person of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as). . …
Is Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) an Islamic Practice?
Dispelling the unfounded and false allegation that the barbaric practice of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is an Islamic practice. …
Should You Be Offended if a Muslim Doesn’t Offer You a Handshake?
Islam advocates for distance between men and women so that they respect each other and view gender relations as a serious responsibility. …
A Response to 11 Misconceptions About the Finality of Prophethood
Responding to a series of misconceptions regarding the finality of prophethood …
The Esteemed Moral Character of the Holy Prophet (sa) and his Respect for Women
The well documented, pristine life of the Holy Prophet (sa) provides ample evidence to refute baseless allegations which are leveled against him. …
Did the Holy Prophet (sa) Pass Away Due to Poisoning? Distinguishing Facts from Fiction
Distinguishing Facts from Fiction: Was the Holy Prophet's (sa) demise as a result of being poisoned? Read to find out the facts. …
Does Islam Forbid Women from Leaving the Home? Deconstructing the Myth
Does Islam forbid women from leaving the home? Find out the truth as this myth is deconstructed. …
Vaccines and Fasting – What is the True Islamic Perspective?
Many Muslims have wondered as to whether it is permissible to get the Covid-19 vaccine while still maintaining their fast. …
Yes, Islam is a Religion of Peace
A close review of the Zubair Simonson's assertions against Islam- does he come to contradict the views held by His Holiness, Pope Francis? …
Do Muslim Women Need to Prove Their Equality by Leading Men in Prayer?
Reem Shraiky, UK I do not know why the idea of a Muslim woman not leading men in prayer disturbs some minds, as if it is the key to gender […] …
Archbishop of Athens Alleges Islam is Not a Religion but a Political Party
Archbishop Ieronymos gave an entirely erroneous and false impression about Islam and its Founder by alleging Islam is not a religion but a political party. …
Caricatures, Violence & Freedom of Speech – How Did the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa) Teach Us to React?
How would the Holy Prophet (sa) react to being abused? What was his take on freedom of speech? Read about how he taught Muslims to truly react. …
Jihad in the Contemporary World
A comprehensive understanding of the true Islamic concept of Jihad, a concept often misunderstood and misconstrued. …
Why Does Islam Allow Polygamy?
A comprehensive explanation of the oft-misunderstood concept of polygamy in Islam. …
God and Morality – Mending ‘The Global God Divide’
Can a person be moral without believing in God? Islam says that the very concept of morality would not exist, were in not for God. Thus true morality depends on recognizing the Originator of morality …
Paradise in Islam
Fahd Peerzada, Canada It is often alleged that the religion of Islam entertains a concept of Paradise which is filled with eternal, lustful and worldly desires. Sadly, confused youngsters are […] …
Setting the Record Straight: Responding to Adnan Rashid’s Allegations on the Writings of the Promised Messiah (as)
A response to Adnan Rashid's allegations levelled against the writings of the Promised Messiah (as) …
Do Ahmadi Muslims Deny the Finality of Prophethood?
Distinguishing Facts from Fiction - contrary to allegations, Ahmadi Muslims do believe in the finality of prophethood …
There Are No Grounds to Declare Ahmadis as Non-Muslims
Amidst a divided Muslim world, the Ahmadiyya Community embodies unity, and fulfils a statement made by the Holy Prophet (sa). …
Did the Promised Messiah (as) Abrogate Jihad?
Distinguishing facts from fiction - dispelling the myth that the Promised Messiah (as) abrogated the Islamic teaching of Jihad …
Did the Promised Messiah (as) Have Animosity Towards Non-Ahmadi Muslims?
Distinguishing facts from fiction - Read about how the Promised Messiah 9as) viewed non-Ahmadi Muslims. …
The Persian Reformer Foretold by the Holy Prophet (sa)
The Holy Prophet (sa) foretold the coming of a reformer who would be of Persian lineage. This was fulfilled in the person of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as). . …
Where do Ahmadis Perform Pilgrimage? Distinguishing Facts from Fiction
Contrary to misinformation, Ahmadi Muslims wholeheartedly obey the five pillars of Islam, including the holy pilgrimage to do Hajj in Makkah. …
Did the Promised Messiah (as) Claim Divinity? Distinguishing Facts from Fiction
Did the Promised Messiah (as) Claim Divinity? Distinguishing Facts from Fiction | The Review of Religions …
Responding to Continued, Baseless Allegations by ‘the Muslim Skeptic’ Against the Promised Messiah (as)
A response to the anti-Ahmadi preacher, Daniel Haqiqatjou, who released another article in the Muslim Skeptic against the Promised Messiah and Imam Mahdi (as). …
The Messiah Has Come: Knowledge of the Holy Qur’an
True prophets of Allah understand the true meaning of holy scriptures, and the Promised Messiah's (as) understanding of the Holy Qur'an was unparalleled amongst his peers. …
Responding to ‘the Muslim Skeptic’ – Proving False the Baseless Allegations Against the Promised Messiah (as)
A response to baseless allegations against prophecies made by the Promised Messiah, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) …
Was the Promised Messiah (as) an Agent of the British Government? Distinguishing Facts from Fiction
A response to the baseless allegation that Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) was an agent of the British Government. …
The Messiah has Come: God’s Support in Prayer Duels
The prayer duels mentioned in this article show the love and support Allah the Almighty gave to Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, the Promised Messiah (as). …
The Messiah Has Come: Divine Knowledge Bestowed on the Messiah
A look into the knowledge of the Arabic language that was bestowed on The Promised Messiah, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) by God. …
The Messiah Has Come: True Prophets Are Always Victorious Over Their Opponents
A major sign for the truthfulness of a Prophet is that Allah the Almighty continues to support him and grants him victory over his opponents. …
Dear Muslim Ummah! Elect One Leader…If You Can…
In the Holy Qur’an, God Almighty has promised that it is He alone Who appoints a Caliph for those who believe and do good works. …
Can True Prophets Have Teachers?
Can True Prophets have Teachers? Is such a criteria in line with the Qur’an and Ahadith. …
Google Search Results to ‘The Caliph of Islam’- A Response to Allegations Against Islam Ahmadiyyat
Raziullah Noman, Canada لعَمْرُك ذُقنا دون ذنبٍ رِماحَهم فما سَرَّنا إلا دُعاءٌ يُكرَّرُ ‘I say it by Your name my Lord that I have been injured by their spears in […] …
What the Holy Qur’an Says About the Latter Day Messiah
Find out what the Holy Qur'an has said regarding the advent of the Latter Day Messiah. …
The Messiah Has Come: False Claimants of Prophethood are Destroyed
One sign for the truthfuness of the Promised Messiah (as), is that false claimants can never succeed, rather they are destroyed. …
The Messiah Has Come: Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) – His Flawless Character
One of the greatest signs of a prophet's truthfulness is his character, and the Promised Messiah's character was unmatched amongst his contemporaries. …
The Messiah Has Come – An Era in Need of Prophethood
One of the greatest proofs for the truthfulness of the Promised Messiah (as) is that the time of his advent ardently called for the coming of a prophet. …
Success; the Messianic Effect
Some of the greatest worldly success has a deep rooted connection with the advent of the Messiah of the age. Thus, true success lies in accepting hte Promised Messiah (as). …
Is the Ahmadiyya System of Chanda an Innovation?
Chanda is an important system which was established by the founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) of Qadian. Through this system, every Ahmadi Muslim presents a certain percentage of their income for the service and …
The Noble Death of the Promised Messiah (as)
A comprehensive refutation of the baseless allegations commonly leveled regarding the demise of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, the Promised Messiah (as). …
The Allegation of 1000 Curses
The Facts from Fiction section aims to remove misconceptions and respond to various allegations leveled against Islam and the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Raziullah Noman, Canada One of the allegations raised […] …
Prophesied Hostility: A Sign of the Messiah and Mahdi
Fatir Ahmad, Canada It’s a concept that has held true since time immemorial; the dawn of any new religion has been met with some sort of hostility. In fact, the […] …
Our Kalima (Creed) has Never Changed
Raziullah Noman- Canada Recently, there has been a storm of allegations against Islam Ahmadiyyat in Pakistan. One of the false allegations which has been made many times before and continues […] …
Qur’anic Verses Revealed to the Promised Messiah? A Response to Allegations
One of the allegations being raised against the Promised Messiah and Imam Mahdi, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) is that some verses of the Qur’an which were revealed to the […] …
The Definition of a True Muslim
Raziullah Noman– Canada With many Muslim scholars declaring other Muslims as non-Muslims in this day and age, it can be difficult to ascertain as to who is a true Muslim. Firstly, […] …
The Wait for the Second Coming of Jesus Must Stop
Some people still await the second coming of Jesus, to them we say "the wait must stop!" because the Messiah has come. …
Abraham’s Sacrifice According to Christianity and Islam
Analysing the sacrifices made by Abraham and his family according to the accounts given by the sacred texts of Christianity and Islam …
How Islam can Help Christianity Understand the True Significance of the Virgin Birth
God was not the literal father of Jesus (as), rather Jesus (as) was created through a special act of creation. …
Why Christianity Fails to Understand the Virgin Birth
The belief that the virgin birth of Jesus in some way demonstrated his purity from original sin, or divinity is not sustained by the biblical texts …
Does the Bible Clearly State That There Was a Virgin Birth?
The virgin birth is an important tenet of Christian doctrine. Nevertheless, it is not well attested in the Gospel narrations. …
Jesus, the ‘Son of God’ – An Investigation into the Virgin Birth and its Meaning
Christianity claims that the virgin birth proves the divinity of Jesus Christ. However, a closer examination of Biblical texts casts doubt on this claim and the Holy Qur'an proves that this was not the case. …
Jesus, the ‘Son of God’ – Because He Was Born of the Holy Spirit?
Jesus being born of the Holy Spirit in no way proves his divinity. The term only means that his birth was miraculous — a clear manifestation of the wondrous creative power of God — and one that was holy as …
The Historical Context of Jesus Being Called the ‘Son of God’
A brief introduction into the historical context of the term 'son of God', a title of divinity used by Christians for Jesus (as). …
Jesus, the ‘Son of God’ – The Historical Context
This article offers an in-depth analysis of the historical context of the term 'son of God', a title of divinity used by Christians for Jesus (as). …
Jesus, the ‘Son of God’ – a Term of Endearment
God referred to Jesus (as) His ‘son’ in the New Testament as a term of endearment. Jesus (as) was thus a figurative son of God, not literal. He was a prophet of God that was in no way divine. …
Editorial – Launch of a Brand New Section – ‘Facts from Fiction’
By Amer Safir We are pleased to launch today a new and dedicated section on our website, called ‘Facts from Fiction.’ Here, we will be posting responses to all common […] …