Do our votes really matter? What sort of leaders should we vote for? Why should we love our country? How can we make it a better place?
A timeline of warnings and practical solutions given by His Holiness (aba) to world leaders, congresses and parliaments about world peace.
A historic event took place on Thursday 25th July 2024, when a Christian Chairman held her election ceremony at a Muslim conference.
A side-by-side comparison between the League of Nations and the United Nations.
A short extract from His Holiness Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad's (ra) analysis on establishing peace and justice.
A look into the UN and its predecessor, the League of Nations.
What is the UN Security Council Veto and why is it so controversial? Can world peace truly be established as long as it exists?
The Review of Religions went to the border of Ukraine and met with member of Humanity First, serving to help those impacted by thw war
©Shutterstiock Meliha Hayat, UK As the world has been engulfed by the Covid-19 pandemic, another issue has also risen amid its roots. It’s been reported that...
Summary of His Holiness Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad’s (may Allah be his helper) Friday sermon on 3/1/20 :Commenting on the status of the world at the...
THE PROMISED MESSIAH(AS) & IMAM MAHDI (GUIDED ONE) The Promised Messiah (as) posed the question: ‘Why does present-day philosophy incline the dispositions...
An Interview with Muhammad Shareef Odeh from the Holy Land.
Arabs around the world respond
A Heavenly Call
Is Islam compatible with liberal democracy? What are the implications of an Islamic caliphate? Questions posed by a recent article in The Economist are...