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Book Review
Book Reviews Featured

Book Review

BOOK Review ISLAM AND CHRISTIANITY Author: W. Montgomery Watt Publishers: Routledge and Kegan Paul (London) A Dialogue Between Muslims and Christians...

Letters to the Editor
Featured Letters

Letters to the Editor

LOTGRS TO THE EDITOR Dear Sir, It is a pleasure to write comments on the most attractive copies of Review of Religions so kindly sent to me. My...

Notes And Comments

Notes And Comments

11 THE REVIEW OF RELIGIONS NOTES AND COMMENTS By B. A. Rafiq In its July/September 1983 issue, the Muslim Digest of South Africa has produced an...

The Al-Aqsa Mosque
Featured Mosques

The Al-Aqsa Mosque

THE REVIEW OF RELIGIONS 16 THE AL-AQSA MOSQUE By A.R. Mughal The Al-Aqsa Mosque is a symbol of the Muslim renascence in in modern times. The Jews no...

Book Review

Book Review

THE REVIEW OF RELIGIONS 58 BOOK REVIEW “MUHAMMAD” By Michael Cook Publisher: Oxford University Press Price : £ 1.95 (paper back) p. 94...

Letters to the Editor
Featured Letters

Letters to the Editor

THE REVIEW OF RELIGIONS 60 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Dear Sir, Please accept my heartiest felicitations on the publication of Review of Religions under...

Book Review
Book Reviews Featured

Book Review

THE REVIEW OF RELIGIONS 61 have cut his life-vein, and not one of you could have held Our punsih- ment off from him (69 : 45 – 48)...

Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor

THE REVIEW OF RELIGIONS 65 dynamic leadership. I am sure that the improved quality and layout of this magazine will give even greater pleasure to its...