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Return of Christ
Christianity Featured

Return of Christ

Return of Christ (Ata-ul-Wahid) The first Christians were a Jewish sect called the Nazarenes. They were concerned only with putting Christ into the...

God and His Prophets

God and His Prophets

God and His Prophets (Mushtaq Ahmad Bajwa) God created the world with a purpose. He made Adam His vicegerent in the earth (2:31). Adam was not the...



Poem (Bushra Nayyar) When the sky was dark as night God sent heavenly light To guide the blind, deaf and dumb. The Promised Messiah came to us;...

The Successful Preacher
Featured Prophets

The Successful Preacher

The Successful Preacher (Abdul Wahab Adam) Preaching is of paramount importance in the life of every prophet. The first responsibility of a prophet...

Our God

Our God

Our God (Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad) God Himself is constant. He is Eternal, Never Changing, Most Perfect in Himself. Changes are produced in human...

Life after Death
Death and the Afterlife

Life after Death

Life after Death (Muhammad Zafrulla Khan) Life after death is a subject on which sure knowledge can be gained only through revelation. The Prophet...

Science and the Shroud

Science and the Shroud

Science and the Shroud (Susan Wojciechowski — free-lance writer) “And he bought fine linen, and took Him down and wrapped Him in the linen and...

What is a Miracle?

What is a Miracle?

What is a Miracle? (Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad) What is a miracle? It is an extraordinary event the like of which the opponent of a divine messenger...

The Situation in Pakistan

The Situation in Pakistan

The Situation in Pakistan (Sheikh IMasir Ahmad) In its 38th session the Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities...

Introduction to Islam
Featured Islam

Introduction to Islam

Introduction to Islam (Hafeez-ur-Rahman) The Prophet of Islam was born in Mecca, Arabia, on 20th April in the year 570 A.D. In accordance with a...

The Roman Attitude
Christian History Rome

The Roman Attitude

The Roman Attitude (Nasir Ward) The Roman government made little distinction between the Jews and the Christians; as both were following the same...

Wisdom of the Ages

Wisdom of the Ages

Wisdom of the Ages He who has righteousness as his ideal has the hardest person softened and the remotest strangers attracted. (HazartAli). Only he...

Divine Origin of Islam
Featured Islam

Divine Origin of Islam

Divine Origin of Islam (Bashir Ahmad Orchard) The Holy Quran emphatically and repeatedly claims to be the revealed Word of God. It is not the...

Meaning of Jihad

Meaning of Jihad

Meaning of Jihad (F. M. Quraishy) Some people erroneously assume that the word “Jihad” is synonymous with war and has been responsible...