Author - editorial

Divine Protection of Islam

Divine Protection of Islam

25 DIVINE PROTECTION OF ISLAM (Muhammad Safi Ahmad) The Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be on him) was raised by God to convey to all mankind the final...

Bounties of Allah

Bounties of Allah

29 BOUNTIES OF ALLAH (Hazrat Mirza Ghidcan Ahmad) The bounties that are bestowed upon the followers of the Holy Quran and the special gifts that they...

Prison Without Walls

Prison Without Walls

11 PRISON WITHOUT WALLS (Prof. Terence P. Day, Department of Religion University of Manitoba) For more than fourteen centuries, Islam has kept alive...



32 SUFISM (Maulana Raushan All) BASIC PRINCIPLES OF SUFISM Sufism is based upon the LOVE OF GOD and the SERVICE OF HUMANITY, so say the Sufis. As a...

Articles Published in 1989
Featured Magazine

Articles Published in 1989

48 ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN 1989 January 1989 Editorial. Guide Posts. Creation of Man. The Holy Prophet. Thoughts and Reflection. Anecdotes from Hadith...

Blessings of Khilafat

Blessings of Khilafat

BLESSINGS OF KHILAFAT (Waleed Ahmad) Ever since the beginning of the mental maturity of human race, Allah has provided guidance for mankind through...

A Blessed Heart

A Blessed Heart

41 A BLESSED HEART (Zakaria Virk) The Glorious Quran makes many references to the human heart. The Book of Almighty Allah proclaims numerous merits...