Author - editorial

Two Memorable Quotations

Two Memorable Quotations

Quotations from Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih III and Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih IV regarding the Divine protection of the continuation of Khilafat.

Man of God
Ahmadiyya History Featured

Man of God

Extract from the book of the same name detailing the amazing journey from Pakistan to the UK by Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih IV in the wake of the...

Notes & Comments
Terrorism and Extremism

Notes & Comments

The Promised Messiah (as) about fanatics who shut the gates to the kingdom of heaven upon everyone, neither entering it nor allowing others to enter...

True Refuge

True Refuge

A person finds true happiness when he realises that God alone is his Protector and Provider. Wordly respect and greatness follows those who serve the...



One of the fundamentals of Islam is that it requires a belief in all the prophets of God.

The Palestinian Question

The Palestinian Question

Our feature length article is a transcript of the speech delivered in the UN prior to the creation of Israel which aimed to achieve justice for all...