Author - editorial

Alexander Dowie and His Zion

Alexander Dowie and His Zion

Message from Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih IV(ra) sent to the Ahmadiyya Community in USA before the start of the conference to commemorate the fulfilment...

Challenge to Alexander Dowie

Challenge to Alexander Dowie

John Alexander Dowie founded Zion, 100 miles north of chicago, declaring himself as Elijah III and wishing to end Islam. The Founder of the Ahmadiyya...

The Immaculate Conception
Mary (as)

The Immaculate Conception

‘We breathed into her Our Spirit’ is misconstrued as implicating God in a paternal role: Understanding the physical and spiritual birth of Jesus(as).



The role of absolute justice in the human body and beyond.

Balance Within the Body

Balance Within the Body

The latent system of justice that governs the microcosm - extracts taken from the book 'Absolute Justice, Kindness and Kinship: The Three Creative...

The Five Pillars of Islam


January 2004 marks the start of yet another year when people of all faiths and backgrounds will be making resolutions related to changing the way...

The House of Allah

The House of Allah

A Friday sermon from 1983 delivered by Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih IV(ru) that explored the significance of a mosque with reference to the Ka’aba.