Author - editorial

Editorial – Care for Orphans

Editorial – Care for Orphans

There have been stories in the news in the first half of 2010 about the care of orphans which lead to difficult questions. Recent cases in Haiti...



An in-depth exposition of the philosophy of prayers and the conditions for the acceptance of prayers.

Jesus (as)

The Swoon Theories

The divergent views of scholars (from 18th to 20th centuries) who generally agree that Jesus Christ(as) survived the crucifixion.

Jesus (as)

Book Review

Humanity’s Messiah – The Secret Life of Jesus Christ – The Lost Years by Mantoshe Singh Devji.

Jesus (as)

Death on the Cross

A ten-point elucidation, using historical and Biblical evidence, proving that Jesus(as) did not die on the cross.

The Victory of Islam – Part 4

The Victory of Islam – Part 4

A rallying call to Muslims to realise their responsibility to defend their faith and be guided by the light promised to them by God Almighty.