The Need for Religious Harmony

19 years ago

Inter-religious peace and harmony are important objectives. International peace can only be established by restoring justice.

Honey the Healer

19 years ago

Honey has many benefits and its healing qualities remain unmatched.


20 years ago

Allah Almighty informs us in the glorious Qur’an that He never a fflicts a people with the punishment of His…

Notes and Comments – Loyalty to One’s Nation – An Article of the Muslim Faith

20 years ago

Can Muslims, affected by the plight of their brethren in other parts of the world, be justified in combating soldiers…

Allah, the Exalted – Part 6

20 years ago

Orderliness in the universe compels us to admit that the Creator and Sustainer is Unique and Peerless, without associate or…

A Message of Hope – (Part 1)

20 years ago

Text of an address delivered in Zurich, outlining of the warnings of severe calamity which awaits man if he continues…

Relationship between Muslims & Christians in Africa

20 years ago

The two religious communities must appreciate what values they have achieved in the area of inter-religious harmony, mutual respect and…

Christian-Muslim Dialogue and Criticism

20 years ago

Inter-faith dialogue must be based on recognising and respecting differences and not recycling the same attacks on the founders of…

Search for Enlightened Moderation in Pakistan

20 years ago

An assessment of the factors preventing enlightened moderation in Pakistan and a rational plea to the Pakistani intelligentsia. Written in…

Letters to the Editor

20 years ago

Response to Jonathan Miller’s claims that ‘Belief in God is an intellectual nonsense’ that appeared in a British newspaper article.


20 years ago

Belief in the existence of God defines one of the great divides in the world today.

Introduction from ‘Jesus in India’

20 years ago

The introduction to this masterpiece is as relevant today as it was at the time of its writing over 100…

Inaugural Address at the Opening of Darul Barakat Mosque in Birmingham

20 years ago

A short speech delivered by Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, the current Supreme Head of the Ahmadiyya Community in Islam, on…

The Holy Qur’an Answers Four Questions on Education

20 years ago

The authors discuss four basic questions on learning in the light of the teachings of the Holy Qur’an.

Is there a God?

20 years ago

The author discusses the different means by which one can prove the existence of God and reject the conclusion of…

The Review of Religions 2004 Index

20 years ago

The list of articles published in 2004.


20 years ago

‘I shall cause thy message to reach the corners of the world.’ This was one of the earliest revelations received…

The Human Soul

20 years ago

The soul is created by God from the union of two [seminal fluids]. It is not eternal and uncreated as…

Universality of Islam

20 years ago

An in-depth refutation of claims made by Western Orientalists, that Islam was originally intended only for the local Arab tribes.…

Interview With Montgomery Watt

20 years ago

An interview from 1999 of the one whom the Muslim press has described as ‘the Last Orientalist.’ The Reverend Professor…

Economic Values

20 years ago

The author reflects on verses of the Qur’an and the hadith relating to economic values. Economic values go hand in…

Letter to the Editor

20 years ago

Sumera Ahmed, Germany


20 years ago

The true purpose of our lives is to win the pleasure of Allah.

The Essence of Islam: Allah the Exalted – Part 5

20 years ago

Describes in detail the four principal attributes of Allah as mentioned in the Holy Qur’an, and how they are related…

Distinctive Features of Islam

20 years ago

Some of the unique features of Islam ranging from the unity of God, prophethood, the Holy Qur’an, rights of women…

The Holy Qur’an – The Perfect Guidance for Mankind

20 years ago

Discussion on how the Holy Qur’an uses the emotions of Hope and Fear to guide mankind towards God.

The Task Ahead

20 years ago

A plea to engage in personal reformation and to ignore the fashions and distractions of the outside world.

The Concept of Jihad in Islam

20 years ago

A study of the life and teachings of the Holy Prophet(as) towards other faiths co-exisiting with Muslims. Proof that concepts…


20 years ago

The temporary nature of health, wealth and power in this world.

The Issue of Evil and Suffering – the Islamic Perspective

20 years ago

Addresses the question on why innocent people suffer and whether one can benefit from such trials.