The Philosophy of Zakat – Part II

19 years ago

Zakat is taken from the well-to-do and given to the poor. It teaches sympathy of the highest order.


19 years ago

They say that money cannot buy happiness, and they are right, but it can buy food, water, shelter and clothing.

Notes & Comments – A Man of Peace

19 years ago

A brief reflection on the life and impact of His Holiness Pope John Paul II

Letter of Condolence: Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, to the Vatican

19 years ago

Copy of letter sent by the Head of the Ahmadiyya worldwide Muslim community, Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad to the Vatican…

Creation and Differences in Rank – Part 10

19 years ago

How the mercy of Allah reflects His superiority and underlines His status as Master of all.

Economic Injustice in the International Economic System

19 years ago

An analysis of the factors behind developing world debt and the need for a partnership in any solution to this…

The Philosophy of Zakat – Part I

19 years ago

Exploring the role and function of Zakat as a means of purifying one’s wealth, helping to relieve the suffering of…

Coexistence of Religion and Secularism

19 years ago

A look at how Islam responds to the challenge of secularism as a form of governance in the modern world…


19 years ago

‘If one desires to investigate with an open mind the root cause of all evils, whether social, political, economic, or…

Notes & Comments – Religious Artefacts Forced on Public?

19 years ago

Does the display of religious artefacts in government buildings contravene the US constitution?

Creation and the Words of God – Part 9

19 years ago

God is the source of all creation and everything is drawn towards God.

Promoting Peace

19 years ago

The only way to establish peace in the world is through the just treatment of one’s fellow human beings.

Was Jesus(as) the Son of David(as)?

19 years ago

Qur’anic and Biblical evidence regarding the geneology of Jesus(as) proves that if he is to be traced from Joseph, his…

The Tomb of Jesus(as) at Srinagar

19 years ago

A scholarly review of the facts concerning the crucifixion. Jesus(as) could not have died on the cross and risen to…

Care of the Seriously Ill and Dying

19 years ago

Islamic perspectives and testimonies on spiritual healing. God gave life and it is to Him Whom people should return at…

Psychic Phenomena

19 years ago

The late author explains in detail psychic phenomena (the operation of natural laws) and their clear distinction from spiritual phenomena…

Notes & Comments – Waves of Compassion

19 years ago

The Tsunami disaster - Unprecedented relief aid illustrates the global generosity. The lessons we must learn from this natural disaster.


19 years ago

It is a sad fact of humanity that while we seek to blame others for any misfortune that befalls us,…

The Will and Power of God – Part 8

19 years ago

A detailed analysis of the Attributes of God manifested through His Will and His Power.

Care of the Aged

19 years ago

The dilemma that the elderly face when abandoned by their families, and how Islam ensures that the elderly are afforded…

Inquisition – Intellectual Terrorism

19 years ago

An examination of the Inquisition in Europe in the Middle Ages, the lasting effect of suppressing freedom of thought aand…

Promoting Peace – A Sikh Viewpoint

19 years ago

A View on peace and harmony in society from a Sikh leader.

Mythology or Religion?

19 years ago

When do religions get manipulated by humans to become more like mythology, and can we uncover true religion by examining…

Diseases of the Rich and Diseases of the Poor

19 years ago

An account of how too much science has created new diseases for the rich world, and too little has left…

The Rationale Behind the Prohibition of Eating Pig Flesh

19 years ago

Why do Muslims and Jews not eat pork? An analysis of both the physical and spiritual reasons for abstaining from…


19 years ago

One purpose of all religions is to bring about peace, both individual and collective. Despite this, there remains a misconception…

God’s Beauty and Beneficence – Part 7

19 years ago

God’s attributes confer beneficence for mankind and attract man towards his Creator; the primary four attributes of God mentioned in…

A Message of Hope – (Part 2)

19 years ago

God sent a warner in this age and when the world ignored him, God made the truth of his claim…

Concluding Address at the 2003 Jalsa Salana Qadian

19 years ago

The essential requirements for a peaceful society are love, affection and respect for human dignity. The innate beautiful teachings of…

Jesus as ‘Son of God’

19 years ago

The connotation of this title has been proved by many scholars to be not meaning the literal son of God…