Notes & Comments: Belief in God – Religious and Scientific Study

19 years ago

Does the concept of intelligent design help bridge the gap between religion and science?

Exalted Status of the Holy Prophet(sa) – Part 1

19 years ago

The Holy Prophet( s a ) is the most of revered of prophets. When we follow him we get closer…

The Rights We Owe to our Fellow Human Beings and the Administrative and Disciplinary Structure

19 years ago

Final address delivered by Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V on his visit to Uganda – Islam enjoins that man observe his…

A Philosophical Concept of the Doctrine of Hell

19 years ago

Islam is unique among the major faiths in its explanation of hell as a place of remediation for all rather…

A Caution to the Soviet Union

19 years ago

This meeting with guests from the former Soviet Union presents a profound insight into the consequences of the collapse of…


19 years ago

Religion is a dynamic phenomenon, not a static one.

Refutation of the Christians’ Faith in the Unity of God – Part 15

19 years ago

On the Unity of God and the need to abstain from associating partners with God: The domain of the Creator…

Spiritual Progress to Achieve Closeness to Allah

19 years ago

Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V draws attention to the importance of both progressing spiritually and doing good works: we should always…

The Holy Prophet’s(sa) Kind Treatment of His Wives

19 years ago

The kind and equal treatment of the Holy Prophet(sa) to his wives sets an excellent example for all married couples.

Peace and Governance

19 years ago

The importance of recognising one's duties to one's fellow human beings provides a framework for leadership.

Report on the 39th Jalsa Salana UK

19 years ago

Some 25,000 people attended the Annual Convention of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Association UK. A brief report of the proceeding of…

Press Release

19 years ago

A statement by the Head of the Worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim Community following the terrorist attack in London on 7th July…


19 years ago

Understanding the true Nature of God and man’s place as His creation, and the position of Prophets and Angels, has…

Notes & Comments – Revenge or Rebuild?

19 years ago

The aftermath of the terrible bombings in London; the ten year old tragedy in Bosnia.

The True Nature of the ‘Arsh Throne – Part 13

19 years ago

A study into the true nature of the ‘Arsh, the seat of Allah on the Throne of the Universe.

The Role of Women in Shaping Society

19 years ago

An address to the Lajna Imaillah (ladies organisation) in Tanzania that describes the crucial role that a mother plays in…

The Reformer of Islam

19 years ago

A speech about the need for a reformer in Islam, and the author’s personal experiences in having met the Promised…

Medical Aspects of the Crucifixion of Jesus(as)

19 years ago

A thorough investigation into the medical aspects of Jesus’ crucifixion ordeal and his state after the trial.

Intellect and Conscience of the Muslim World

19 years ago

The life and work of Professor Abdus Salam (Nobel laureate), the greatest Islamic scientist of the last century.


19 years ago

The life, works and beliefs of this early Christian theologian.


19 years ago

The Purpose of Man’s Creation

Need for Purification – Part 12

19 years ago

Self-purification is required in order to find God. In turn, God would display sincere and unparalleled love for His true…

Purpose of Attending Annual Conventions

19 years ago

The overriding objective of attending Annual Conventions should be to improve religious knowledge and foster a relationship with Allah.

Muhammad(sa) in the Bible

19 years ago

A concise review of Biblical prophecies regarding the advent of a great prophet which could only be attributed to the…

Allah – Friend of the Believers

19 years ago

One who Allah Himself singles out as His friend can expect blessings and bounties. How to become a friend of…

Al-Azhar Receives an Ahmadiyya Delegation

19 years ago

An Ahmadi delegation holds a landmark audience with the Grand Imam of Al-Ahzar in Egypt.

Notes & Comments – Tobacco – its continued globalisation and effects

19 years ago

Despite the Global Health Treaty on the effects of tobacco use in the West being implemented in 2005, ‘developing countries’…

Knowledge of God – Part 11

19 years ago

An insight into how God’s knowledge is Perfect. The capacity for receiving divine revelation to seek an understanding of the…

Raising the Standard of Worship

19 years ago

An address given by the Head of the worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim community at the 2005 Kenya Annual Convention – Being…

Foundation stone Ceremony of the London Mosque

19 years ago

Historical speech by the second Khalifa of the worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim community at the Foundation Stone Ceremony of the London’s…