The Impact of Religion on Ghanaian Society

18 years ago

The importance of understanding the fundamentals of religion to dispel superstition and appreciate the true meaning of accountability.

The Purity of the text of the Holy Qur’an – Part 2

18 years ago

The Holy Qur’an was revealed, recited in full repeatedly, memorised by heart by many and preserved in written form during…

Notes & Comments: Cartoon Wars

18 years ago

The recent furore over the cartoon depicting the Prophet of Islam(sa) as a terrorist is as irresponsible as is the…

The Holy Prophet’s(sa) – the Grand Reformer, Perfector of Morals and His Miracles – part 5

18 years ago

These extracts show how someone who truly loves Muhammad(sa) writes about the Holy Prophet and expresses his superiority over all…

Rebuttal of Maududi Philosophy Part 3

18 years ago

Maulana Maududi, founder of Jama'at Islami, held that when persuasion failed, the Prophet(sa) took to the sword. Orientalists and history…

Prophets of God – Part 2

18 years ago

The Patriarch Prophet Abraham(as) whose progenies include Judaic prophets and Jesus(as) and the Ishmaelite branch left an indelible imprint on…

The Purity of the text of the Holy Qur’an

18 years ago

A thoroughly researched analysis in response to a Christian writer proves that the Holy Qur’an is nothing else but the…

An Announcement by the Chairman of the Central Committee for the Centenary of Khilafat Ahmadiyya

18 years ago

62 The Review of Religions –February 2006 Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu I have the honour to make an important and…


19 years ago

2 The Review of Religions – January 2006 Being religious does not give us the sole right to judge others.…

Notes & Comments: Responsible Debt

19 years ago

Despite the ease with which we can obtain debt and assume that it will be written-off if we do not…

The Holy Prophet’s Nearness to God Almighty – Part 4

19 years ago

Describes the spiritual journey and the heights reached by the Holy Prophet(sa) in his character as the recipient of the…

Denmark Symposium

19 years ago

The true teachings of Islam from the text of the Qur’an and the life of the Holy Prophet(sa) from an…

Rebuttal of Maududi Philosophy

19 years ago

An analysis into the views of Maududi on Jihad and his Marxist use of force and how the same ideology…

Prophets of God – Part 1

19 years ago

A brief introduction to some of the prophets of God beginning with Adam(as)

People of Lot (as)

19 years ago

A look at the people of Sodom and Gomorrah and their punishment as described in the Bible and the Holy…

Letter to the Editor

19 years ago

62 The Review of Religions – January 2006 Dear Sir, I am a practising Catholic with a degree in Religious…


19 years ago

The perfect example of the Holy Prophet(sa).

Notes & Comments: A License to Kill?

19 years ago

The impact of alcohol on the economy and why some moves to tackle associated problems exacerbate the situation.

Nearness to God – Part 3

19 years ago

How adopting the attributes of God improve a man spiritually and result in a closer bond between man and God.

Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V’s address at the opening of Nasir Mosque in Hartlepool

19 years ago

A timely reminder that a mosque is a place for all worshippers of God and a source of social peace.

The Importance of Financial Sacrifice

19 years ago

Why sharing one's wealth with the have-nots discharges an important obligation man owes to other men.

The Preaching of Islam: Two Conflicting Views

19 years ago

An analysis of the accusation that Islam was spread by the sword.

Editorial: Religious Bigotry

19 years ago

2 The Review of Religions – November 2005 Religious Bigotry It was on Friday 7th October, the first Friday of…

Notes & Comments: With Moderates Like These

19 years ago

The so-called custodians of orthodox Islam in the UK leave much to be desired.

Advent of the Holy Prophet(sa) is Like the Coming of God

19 years ago

An explanation of why previous prophets prophesied the advent of the Holy Prophet(sa) metaphorically as the coming of God. Also,…

Religions Drips With Blood

19 years ago

The history of religion is one of destruction and bloodshed but does true religion teach violence or has religion always…

Blessings of Righteous Company

19 years ago

If the company we keep influences our behaviour, there are blessings to be gained from associating with righteous company.

A Glimpse into some of the Qualities of Khilafat-e-Rashida

19 years ago

A look at some of the qualities of the Successors to the Holy Prophet(sa) who could not be corrupted despite…

I Answer the Prayer of the Supplicant when he Prays to Me

19 years ago

A convert recounts his experience of the efficacy of prayers.


19 years ago

On 8th October 2005 Pakistan was hit by a 7.6-magnitude earthquake that caused major devastation in the north of the…