The Purity of the Text of the Holy Qur’an (part 3)

18 years ago

A thoroughly researched analysis in response to a Christian writer proves that the Holy Qur'an is nothing else but the…

Jalsa Address by the President of the Republic of Mauritius

18 years ago

The address was given on the occasion of the 45th Annual Convention of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’on 16th September 2006…

Synopsis of Istighfar

18 years ago

First reprinted in The Review of Religions, 1993.

Editorial: Freedom of Religion – a right not a wrong

18 years ago

Are recent events over the veil and the cross threatening the freedom of religion?

Essence of Islam – Part 14, Guidance for the Righteous

18 years ago

Expounding the beauty of Qur’anic wisdom as a guidance for the righteous.

Love Thy Neighbour

18 years ago

Presenting the strong emphasis Islam lays on the rights of neighbours.

Umar ibn al-Khattab (ra) – Conquests for Survival

18 years ago

A critical review of orientalist thought on Hadhrat Umar’s (ra) conquests.

Divinity and Trinity – A Scriptural Comparison

18 years ago

Analysing the Qur’anic and Biblical interpretations of similar terminology about Jesus (as).

Native American Beliefs

18 years ago

How spiritual beliefs of Native Americans are similar to those of mainstream religions.

Editorial Comment

18 years ago

Integration of Muslims in Western society.

Essence of Islam – Part 13

18 years ago

Evidence for the truthfulness of the Holy Qur’an, its comprehensive nature and its superiority over other revealed books.

Scientific Advancements and Signs of the Latter Days – part 2

18 years ago

A discourse on the signs presaging the advent of the Reformer in the Latter Days.

The Qur’an and Muslims Today – part 2

18 years ago

How much influence does the Qur’an have over Muslims today and how far do they adhere to its teachings?

Qur’anic guidance on a good diet

18 years ago

Now that the month of fasting has ended, an analysis of the features of a good diet, and the guidance…


18 years ago

The facts behind the ‘Veil’.

Essence of Islam – Part 12

18 years ago

The Holy Qur’an is an authority par excellence. With clear proofs of guidance and discrimination against falsehoodIts treasury of wisdoms…

A Response to the Pope’s Remarks about Islam

18 years ago

The English rendering of a Friday Sermon in response to Pope Benedict XVI’s speech containing false and unfounded allegations against…

Scientific Advancements and Signs of the Latter Days – part 1

18 years ago

A discourse on the signs presaging the advent of the Reformer in the Latter Days.

The Qur’an and Muslims Today – part 1

18 years ago

How much influence does the Qur’an have over Muslims today and how far do they adhere to its teachings?


18 years ago

In this issue of The Review of Religions our lead article is the address given by Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad,…

Notes & Comments

18 years ago

Response to the Pope’s address made in Germany on 12 September 2006

Essence of Islam – Part 11

18 years ago

A selection of writings of the Promised Messiah(as) on the truth, wisdom and matchlessness of the Holy Qur'an.

Jalsa Salana – New Zealand

18 years ago

The closing address by Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V, Head of the Worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim Community at the Annual Convention (Jalsa…

Islamic Terrorism

18 years ago

It is important to understand the difference between the teachings of a religion and the conduct of individual adherents.

The Promised Messiah’s (as) Love of the Holy Qur’an

18 years ago

Through his writings, the Promised Messiah(as) explained the truth and wisdom of the Holy Qur'an and showed that it is…


18 years ago

Prophets of God demonstrate through their messages and personal example how God wants us to live our lives. The most…

Essence of Islam – Part 10

18 years ago

A translation of some poems in remembrance of the Holy Prophet(saw) by his ardent lover and devoted servant.

Mercy for the Universe

18 years ago

Why is the offence of ‘sabb’ (defaming the Holy Prophet(saw)) not a capital offence? Its punishment is in the Hands…

Jalsa Salana – Fiji

18 years ago

Speech by Head of the worldwide Ahmadiyya community on how its members should follow the teachings of Islam by following…

Dangers of the Age and Safeguarding of Islamic Values

18 years ago

By following guidance given by Islam, we can prevent ourselves from the immoral and evil dangers affecting mankind.