The Essence of Islam – Part 28

16 years ago

Reason and conjecture do not lead to that certainty attained through reason and revelation.

Speeches by various dignitaries at the British Parliament on 22 October 2008.

16 years ago

Justine Greening, Member of Parliament for Putney and host of the event Good afternoon everyone. I very much like to…

Inauguration of Al-Mahdi Mosque

16 years ago

Address by Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V at a VIP reception for local dignatories following the inauguration of the mosque in…

Life Supreme

16 years ago

Islam’s direction of spiritual fulfilment and harmony.

Opening of Khadija Mosque

16 years ago

The speech at the opening of the first Ahmadiyya mosque in the former East Germany on the Islamic beliefs.


16 years ago

The purpose of the building of mosques.

The Essence of Islam – Part 27

16 years ago

Distinguishing between Divine and satanic revelation.

Canadian Dignitary Speech

16 years ago

Islam – the religion that preaches peace, tolerance, and love for all mankind.

As’hab As-Sufah – The Great Lovers of the Holy Prophet(saw)

16 years ago

An introduction to the lives and sacrifices of the ‘ascetic’ companions who spent their days and nights in worship and…

Inauguration of Baitun Nur (Calgary) Mosque

16 years ago

Underlining the role of Ahmadiyya mosques as beacons of peace.


16 years ago

How Khilafat is a reflection of God’s Rahmaniyyat.

The Essence of Islam – Part 26 – The Ability to Receive Revelation

16 years ago

The power and beauty of Divine revelation; characteristics of true revelation.

Universal Moral Values, Politics and World Peace

16 years ago

Offering a profound insight into world affairs and their impact on peace.

A Solution to the Problems of the Islamic World

16 years ago

How implementing absolute justice can rejuvenate the Muslim world.

The Significance of Sacrifice in Your Pledge

16 years ago

Address from the USA Jalsa 2008. Being in charge of the training ground of the children, a woman has a very…

Self Reformation

16 years ago

Final address from the USA Jalsa 2008 in which Hudhur reminds the audience to fulfill theirpledge and to remain loyal…

Khilafat-e-Rashida – (The Rightly Guided Khilafat)

16 years ago

An incisive address on the need for and role of Khilafat, how it was manifested after the demise of the…

Annual Convention Nigeria 2008

16 years ago

Inaugural address from the Nigeria Jalsa 2008. Attaining nearness to Allah by truthfulness, fulfilling covenants etc.


16 years ago

As readers of the Review of Religions will be aware, the Ahmadiyya Community is celebrating one hundred years of the…

Essence of Islam – Part 26 – The Ability to Receive Revelation

16 years ago

Continuing our series of extracts from the writings of the Promised Messiah(as).

Annual Convention Nigeria 2008

16 years ago

Concluding address from the Nigeria Jalsa 2008: Stand on the frontline of dispensing goodness.

The Importance of the Institution of Khilafat for the Modern Age

16 years ago

A discussion of the ‘seen’ and ‘unseen’ blessings of Khalifat and its relevance for the modern age.

Religions from an Islamic Perspective

16 years ago

A review of the true respect that Islam accords to believers of other faiths.

Africa is Fast Advancing Towards Enlightenment

16 years ago

Inaugural address from the Ghana Jalsa 2008 in which Hudhur outlines the responsibilities of the people of Africa and their…

Milestones of Khilafat

16 years ago

A chronological review year by year of the major events and milestones in the first century of Khulafa-e-Ahmadiyya including the…

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Divine Community Embodies True Islamic Teachings

16 years ago

Keynote Khilafat Centenary address to an audience of dignitaries and members of the press.


16 years ago

Khilafat in Ahmadiyyat is evidence of Divine support.

Divine Promise of Khilafat

16 years ago

It is God’s design that spiritual teachers, who are the heirs of the Prophets, should always continue to be available:…

Ahmadiyya Khilafat Centenary Message

16 years ago

A centenary message addressed to the worldwide membership of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community.

Khilafat in Islam

16 years ago

A series of questions and answer on the subject of Khilafat in Islam.