Islam – The Religion of Peace

15 years ago

Explaining the religious system in Islam and how it provides the most rational and practical methods to eradicate the obstacles…

Discharging Equal Rights Can Help Establish Peace

15 years ago

The failure of the UN to restore peace is rapidly drawing the world towards the brink of another world war.…


15 years ago

Today, as in ages gone by, good-willed people continue to seek an answer to the world’s problems and difficulties in…

The Essence of Islam – Part 29 – Islam on Arrogance

15 years ago

How arrogance is deeply rooted in man and can only be removed by Divine mercy, purity of heart, meekness, and…

Ways to One World

15 years ago

Providing solutions to global problems and issues.

Views of Scientists on the Existence of God

15 years ago

The search for scientific truth has resulted in the inevitability of the existence of God and the realisation that the…

The Holy Prophet’s Love of Allah

15 years ago

An insight into the unshakeable and all-consuming love that the Holy Prophet(saw) had for Allah.


15 years ago

A Blot on Swat

The Future of Islam – Part 3

15 years ago

Continuation of a lecture from the archives on the truth of prophets and the need of the reformer of the…

Peace Depends on Justice and Economic Progress Depends on Peace

15 years ago

If the current global situation prevails, then the world will be engulfed by catastrophe, and our future generations will blame…

The Future of Western Society

15 years ago

How the pursuit of pleasure and liberty from all bondage that binds man to His Creator is seriously damaging Western…

Islam is Not a Religion of Terror

15 years ago

A study of the Holy Qur’an reveals that Islamic teachings promote peace with profound clarity and wisdom.

There is No Compulsion in Religion – Part 3

15 years ago

Examining the true interpretations of Qur'anic verses.


15 years ago

Defending Islam in the West.

Book Review: The Jewel of Medina

15 years ago

A critical review of a novel allegedly based on the history of the life of Hadhrat ‘A'ishah(ra).

There is No Compulsion in Religion – Part 2

15 years ago

Qur’anic Teachings on Freedom of Religion.

Establishing Peace, Love and Harmony in the Society

15 years ago

Real justice requires that even if you have to testify against a close relative then you should do so.


15 years ago

World peace will only become a reality when true justice is established for all.

The Future of Islam – Part 1

15 years ago

In this epic piece the Promised Messiah(as) elucidates the fact that of all world religions, only Islam has the ability…

Forefathers of the Promised Messiah(as)

15 years ago

A remarkable and detailed insight into the ancestral lineage of Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as), portraying his origins in Iranian heritage…

There is No Compulsion in Religion – Part 1

15 years ago

An in-depth rebuttal to the prevalent misconceptions particularly in the Islamic world of the use of force and the meaning…

Islam in China

16 years ago

Analysis of how Islam entered and established itself in China, and how Muslims are living in China today.

Press Release

16 years ago

Statement issued by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Association UK in the wake of continued atttacks in Gaza.

Editorial: Attack in India

16 years ago

The appalling attack in Mumbai and why the various communities in India must stand firm and united.

Essence of Islam Part 28: The Law of Nature Demands Revelation

16 years ago

The laws of nature show that God must have the power to communicate just as His creations have, and that…

My Claim to Promised Messiahship

16 years ago

Reproduced from a lecture (English translation 1904) setting out his claims as the Promised Messiah(as) and Mahdi, his advent being…

Making the World a Haven of Peace

16 years ago

Acquiring good and shunning in the hope that the inauguration of this new mosque in Sheffield will act as a…

Solution from the Holy Qur’an on the Global Crisis

16 years ago

Historic speech at the British Parliament on the current world economic crisis, how the Holy Qur’an provides hope and warning…


16 years ago

Intra-faith dialogue, religious freedom and loyalty to the country of residence.