Iqamatus Salat – The Observance of Prayer in Islam

14 years ago

An exposition of the significance of observing the Prayer in Islam.

Death on the Cross

14 years ago

A ten-point elucidation, using historical and Biblical evidence, proving that Jesus(as) did not die on the cross.

Religious Terrorism: Causes and Remedies

14 years ago

The responsibility for spreading the concept of a barbaric Jihad rests with Muslim scholars and certain Christian intellectuals.


14 years ago

In the Name of Allah

The Victory of Islam – Part 4

14 years ago

A rallying call to Muslims to realise their responsibility to defend their faith and be guided by the light promised…

What a Seeker After Truth Should Do

14 years ago

Religions do not cause dissension and discord. Which one should a person choose to follow?

Establishing Religious Peace

14 years ago

Explaining what Islam actually stands for and dispelling some commonly held myths about Muslims.

The Victory of Islam – Part 3

14 years ago

The Promised Messiah(as) responds to various allegations levelled against him.

The Purpose of Creation

14 years ago

What have we been created for and how do we fulfil the purpose of our existence?

Way of the Seekers

14 years ago

An in-depth exposition of the philosophy of morals, the concept of sin and virtue and how ethics can be made…

The Holy Prophet(saw) – The Torchbearer of Humanity

14 years ago

The multi-faceted personality and character of the Holy Founder of Islam sets an excellent example for all of us.

Jesus in India – King of Wisdom

15 years ago

Foreword to a recent book and film on Jesus’s(as) travels to India.


15 years ago

Liberty and Freedom in Europe.

The Victory of Islam – Part 2

15 years ago

The coming of a Messiah had been prophesied by the Holy Prophet(saw). What are the signs of his appearance?

The Beauty and Glory of the Holy Qur’an

15 years ago

An exposition of how the brilliance of the Qur’an goes far beyond its composition and text and inspired countless souls…

Teach Us How to Pray – The Lord’s Prayer

15 years ago

The Christian prayer – its significance and what it means.

Imam Bukhari

15 years ago

A glance at the life of the most famous compiler of the sayings and practical Traditions of the Holy Prophet(saw).

Is Music Allowed in Islam?

15 years ago

Part of a question and answer session.

Significance of Christmas

15 years ago

Examining the birth of Jesus(as), December 25th and the wise men of the East.

Editorial – Religious Symbols

15 years ago

There seems to have been a considerable amount of adverse reaction to the wearing or display of religious symbols in…

The Victory of Islam

15 years ago

With the Muslim world in utter disarray, the Promised Messiah(as) invites Muslims to join him in his divinely appointed mission…

Africa – The Invisible Continent

15 years ago

An analysis of how the effects of war, trade and debt have left Africa in trouble, and how religion can…

Contact With Spirits?

15 years ago

Can souls or spirits of the dead be recalled and can they speak to the living?

IN BRIEF: Hanukkah

15 years ago

Background and significance of the Jewish festival of Hanukkah and how it is celebrated.

The Holy Prophet(saw): A Messenger of Peace and Reconciliation

15 years ago

The ‘Prince of Peace’ merited this name through his impeccable character, kindness and tolerance.


15 years ago

Who owns the Copyright?

The Holy Qur’an

15 years ago

The Holy Qur’an should be judged by how its teaching frees its followers from a life of sin.

Solution to the Problems of the Islamic World

15 years ago

The whole Muslim world is floundering in dissension. Equity, justice, tolerance and amity are practices rarely visible in the Muslim…

The Need for Religion and its Importance

15 years ago

Four important questions about religion and the answers thereto.

Pillars of Religious Tolerance

15 years ago

Internal conflicts must be avoided.