Worldwide Media Coverage & Response

12 years ago

To the Sermon of the Khalifah

The Message of True Islam

12 years ago

Friday Sermon delivered on 28th September 2012 from the Baitul Futuh Mosque, London, UK.

The Worldwide Practical Response of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community

12 years ago

To the release of Innocence of Muslims

The Noble Wives of the Holy Prophet Muhammad(sa)

12 years ago

Hazrat Khadijah Al-Kubra(ra) – The First of the Muslims

The Holy Prophet (sa) in the Eyes of Non-Muslims

12 years ago

 Sermon delivered on 5th October 2012 from the Baitul Futuh Mosque, London

The Issue of the Age of Hazrat ‘A’ishah

12 years ago

The Life and Character of the Seal of Prophets Volume II, Chapter VI

Breaking the Myth that Islam Promotes Extremism

12 years ago

Present-day misinformation would have most believe that Islamic teachings lead to extremism and even terrorism. What however are the real…


12 years ago

The Best Form of Defence

Notes and Comments

12 years ago

A Man of Peace


12 years ago

Reaction to Innocence of Muslims Dear Editor, The anti-Islamic movie has caused a lot of unrest among Muslims in particular…

Q & A on the epic book Barahin-e-Ahmadiyya

12 years ago

Munir-Ud-Din Shams is the Additional Wakilut Tasneef (Director of Translations/Publications) of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. We interviewed him to ask…

NEW: Barahin-e-Ahmadiyya – First full English Translation

12 years ago

We feature selected extracts from the first book ever written by the Founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community.

The Life and Character of the Seal of Prophets(saw) – Volume II – Start of Ch.4

12 years ago

Battle of Badr, Establishment of the Islamic Empire and Destruction of the Chieftains of the Quraish.

“Khalifa of Peace” – Tour to Holland

12 years ago

A new feature in The Review of Religions covering the intriguing tours of the Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community.

American Muslims Collect 12,000 pints of blood for American Lives

12 years ago

“Muslims for Life” - Organised by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community USA

Milestone Reached in Indexing & Tagging Project

12 years ago

When I was asked to help ‘tag’ and index the entire archive of The Review of Religions, I was somewhat…

Laying the Foundation of Peace & Reconciliation

12 years ago

New Mosque “Baitul Ghafoor” opened in Halesowen, UK.

The Path to Peace – Just Relations Between Nations

12 years ago

In the first event of its type, the Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community delivered an address to leading congressmen…


12 years ago

“You Have Been Helped With Prestige”

Notes and Comments

12 years ago

An Event 100 Years in the Making


12 years ago

Easter Special Edition/March 2012 “Did Jesus(as) Really Die…..” This excellent research and this site itself have helped me answered questions…

The Great Victory

12 years ago

Just one of the numerous examples of the prestige God conferred upon Hadhrat Ahmad(as).

Queen Elizabeth II Replies to Letter Sent by Head of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community

12 years ago

BUCKINGHAM PALACE     18TH July, 2012 Your Holiness, The Queen has asked me to thank you for your letter…

True Loyalty to One’s Nation

12 years ago

How is loyalty to one’s nation defined in Islam?

Marking the Spread of Generosity and Compassion

12 years ago

Baitul Atta Mosque Opens in Wolverhampton, UK

The Life and Character of the Seal of Prophets(saw) – Volume II

12 years ago

Early Battles, Commencement of Fasting, Alteration of the Qiblah and Initial Discussion on the Battle of Badr


12 years ago

In letters sent to Angela Merkel, King Abdullah, Ayatollah Khamenei, Francois Hollande, David Cameron and Wen Jiabao, the Head of…


12 years ago

Will the World Take Heed?

Notes and Comments

12 years ago

A Heavenly Call