Letter to the Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change

11 years ago

16 Gressenhall Road Southfields, London SW18 5QL United Kingdom 17 September 2013 Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change…

Medical Consequences of a Nuclear War – A Pointless Tragedy for Humanity

11 years ago

What would potentially happen should a nuclear war break out?

Syria’s Religious Heritage

11 years ago

Syria’s fascinating history runs deep into historic civilisations and religions.

Special Reception In Melbourne

11 years ago

Why the Arab Spring, the financial meltdown and the Syrian crisis are leading the world on a path of destruction.

Guest Reflections and Messages of Support for the Address of Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba at Special Reception in Melbourne

11 years ago

This issue features the keynote address delivered by the 5th Khalifah of the Promised Messiah and Head of the worldwide…

A Journey of Spiritual Guidance – Khalifah of the Promised Messiahas Visits Germany

11 years ago

Introduction Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba, Head of the worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim Community and Khalifatul Masih Vaba, undertook a twelve day…


11 years ago



11 years ago

Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in the Far East His Holiness is currently touring the Far Eastern countries. A…

The Purpose of Creation

11 years ago

How do we ascertain the actual purpose of our existence?

The Revelation of Injunctions Regarding Pardah (covering)

11 years ago

From the Life and Character of the Seal of Prophets – Volume II

The Noble Wives of the Holy Prophetsa – Hazrat Safiyyahra Part 1

11 years ago

A noble Jewish woman becomes one of the greatest servants of Islam.

The Islamic Message of Peace, Unity, Faith & Loyalty; Khalifah of the Promised Messiahas Visits Canada

11 years ago

The Khalifah of the Promised Messiah undertook a historic tour of Western Canada earlier this year. Final Part.

Islam – A Religion of Peace & Compassion

11 years ago

As the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community United Kingdom celebrates its centenary, the worldwide Head of the Community explains the true concepts…

Notes & Comments

11 years ago

Chimes of Messiah

The Philosophy of Prayer

11 years ago

To supplicate is human and to respond is Divine.

The Life and Character of the Seal of Prophets – Vol II Chapter IX Part IV

11 years ago

Chapter 9 continues in our serialisation of the epic biography – The Holy Prophet s.a. as an International Judge is…

Guests Reflect on the Houses of Parliament Event

11 years ago

While unable to attend the event, UK Prime Minister, The Rt. Hon. David Cameron, sent the following message of support:…

The Islamic Message of Peace, Unity, Faith and Loyalty; Khalifah of the Promised Messiahas Visits Canada

11 years ago

The Khalifah of the Promised Messiah undertook a historic tour of Western Canada earlier this year.

Mosque – An Abode of Peace and Security

11 years ago

Mosques are often perceived in the West as breeding grounds for extremist ideologies. With the inauguration of a large mosque…

The Power of Prayer

11 years ago

Many miracles are in fact as a result of prayers.

The Life and Character of the Seal of Prophets – Vol II Chapter IX Part III

11 years ago

Chapter 9 continues in our exclusive serialisation of the epic biography - The Sequence of the Holy Qu'ran.

Religious Trends in America – “Spiritual but not Religious”

11 years ago

The number of people who say they have no particular religious affiliation is on the rise in America, according to…

From the Archives: Islam and Science – Concordance or Conflict?

11 years ago

Late Nobel Laureate in Physics undertakes a fascinating exploration into the relationship between Islam and science.

Guests Reflect on the Inauguration of the Vancouver Mosque

11 years ago

“I am supposed to give an important speech soon in Geneva–I had already drafted it. But now I will redraft…

Angels Echoing the Kalimah In the City of Angels – Part II of II

11 years ago

The Khalifa of the Promised Messiah (as) undertook an historic tour of California earlier this year.

Angels Echoing the Kalimah In the City of Angels

11 years ago

The visit of the Khalifah of the Promised Messiah to California.

A Message of Peace – Part 3

11 years ago

Final Part of the last written work of the Promised Messiah (as)

Mercy of God

11 years ago

The philosophy of God’s Mercy.