An Antepodean Trip of Peace

10 years ago

Khalifah of the Promised Messiah visits New Zealand

Guest Comments & Reflections on Address of His Holiness in Crawley

10 years ago

“The Ahmadiyya Community is a community of love and respect and I would want to promote that amongst people. I…

The Objectives of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community

10 years ago

Over 120 years ago a Community was established which claimed it would bring a spiritual revolution in the world by…

Notes & Comments – “Not a Soul Had Ever Heard of Qadian!”

10 years ago

I was but poor, helpless, unknown and without talent! Not a soul had ever heard of Qadian! No one cared…

Revelation, Inspiration, Vision & Dream

10 years ago

Is the door to revelation closed forever?

Religious Trends in Australia

10 years ago

Can 300 ancestries explain the current rise in Secularism?

The Aboriginal People

10 years ago

The original inhabitants of Australia.

Mosque – An Abode of Peace & Compassion at the inauguration of a new mosque in Brisbane.

10 years ago

An intriguing insight into the concept of compassion in Islam.

Bill Birtles Interviews His Holiness for ABC

10 years ago

B: Can I first of all ask you about the Ahmadiyya Community. In Australia I would say it is not…

Auskar Surbakti Interviews His Holiness for ABC Newsline

10 years ago

A: This is your first trip to Australia since 2006. So what is the main purpose of your visit? H:…

Rehan Alavi of SBS Radio Australia Interviews His Holiness, Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba

10 years ago

Translated from the Urdu by Amer Safir I: Dear audience. We are fortunate to have His Holiness, Mirza Masroor Sahib,…

The Quest for Peace Down Under – Khalifah of the Promised Messiahas Visits Australia

10 years ago

The second leg of the epic seven- week tour of the Asia Pacific by the Khalifah of the Promised Messiahas.

Guest Comments and Reflections from Sydney and Brisbane Events

10 years ago

GUEST REFLECTIONS SYDNEY “It’s absolutely magnificent to be able to hear the true message of Islam as distinct from, sometimes,…

The Basic Economic Principles of Islam – A Keynote Address in Singapore

11 years ago

Economic progress is at the heart of every nation's key policies. Speaking at a Welcome Reception in one of the…

Islam and the Holy Prophet Muhammad’ssa Teachings on Slavery

11 years ago

Was Islam responsible for the emancipation of salvery? From the Life and Character of the Seal of Prophets - Vol.II

Divine Decree & Determination

11 years ago

Is man’s destiny predetermined?

A Messenger of Peace in the Lion City – Khalifah of the Promised Messiahas Visits Singapore

11 years ago

On the first leg of his epic seven-week tour of the Asia Pacific, the Khalifah of the Promised Messiah and…

Religious Trends in Singapore

11 years ago

In Singapore a hybrid of religions can be found. Interestingly often people accept more than one religion.


11 years ago

The Review of Religions’ NOVEMBER 2013 EDITION:             The Promised Messiah’sas Prophecy “Calamity of Damascus”…

Africa’s True Independence

11 years ago

Africa has the potential to lead the world – but how?

The Need for Prophets

11 years ago

Why is there a need?

The Life & Character of the Seal of Prophets –
Conduct of the Holy Prophetsa with Slaves and His Teachings on the Issue of Slavery

11 years ago

Was Islam responsible for the emancipation of slavery? From the Life and Character of the Seal of Prophets – Vol.…

The Noble Wives of the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa – Hazrat Saffiyah bint Huyayyra

11 years ago

Final part on the life of Hazrat Safiyyahra, the noble Jewish woman who was enslaved during a defensive war, freed…

A Turning Point in History – Karbala

11 years ago

The tragic martydom of the grandson of the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa during the month of Muharram

A Journey of Spiritual Guidance – Khalifah of the Promised MessiahasVisits Germany

11 years ago

Introduction Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaba undertook a twelve day tour of Germany in June and July of this year. His…

Introduction to “Africa’s True Independence”

11 years ago

Africa has the potential to lead the world – but how?


11 years ago

“Jihad of The Pen” is True Jihad Today Allah, on certain occasions in the Holy Qur’an, swears by certain objects,…

Syria in Crisis

11 years ago

Could the precarious situation in Syria lead to a global conflict?

Status of the Promised Messiah’sas Advent

11 years ago

With the situation in the world crying out for a Reformer, what qualities would the Promised Messiahas possess?

Letter to The President of Russia

11 years ago

16 Gressenhall Road Southfields, London SW18 5QL United Kingdom 18 September 2013 His Excellency Mr. Vladimir Putin President of the…