History of the Ka’bah

10 years ago

Archaeological study tracing the origins of the Ka’bah.

The Need for Religion

10 years ago

Religion means the path one adopts in life. Even people who deny God’s existence adhere to certain beliefs and doctrines,…

The Objectives and Purpose of the Jalsa Salana

10 years ago

We present extracts from the writings of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, the Promised Messiahas, on annual conventions held within the…

From the Archives – Unity vs Trinity (Part II of II)

10 years ago

Jesusas could not have been Divine according to his mission.

Life & Character of the Seal of the Prophets – Vol II

10 years ago

We continue with the chapter on Islam’s emancipation of slaves. Why were all the slaves not freed at once?

Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Unites under the Guidance of their Caliph

10 years ago

33,000 gathered in Hampshire from over 90 countries for the 48th Annual Convention UK, known as the Jalsa Salana.

Islam in the West

10 years ago

The Review of Religions interviewed young Imams and Missionaries, recently graduated from the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community’s Jamia Ahmadiyya, about their…

Guest Speakers at the Jalsa Salana

10 years ago

Message from Rt. Hon. David Cameron Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. Message read by Lord Tariq Ahmad “I want…

Sermon on the Mount

10 years ago

A fascinating two-hour dialogue in Dalhousie, India between 22 year old Hazrat Mirza Bashir-Ud-Din Mahmud Ahmadra, who later become Second…

Concept of God of Islam and Christianity

10 years ago

The Trinity is an illogical concept whilst Islam’s perception of God can be understood by the human intellect.

From the Archives – Unity vs Trinity (Part I of II)

10 years ago

In-depth analysis explaining why the Trinity is an entirely mistaken conception that neither the Old nor New Testament support.

Sermon on the Mount (Matthew’s Gospel)

10 years ago

One of the most widely known Christian teachings attributed to Jesusas, which we are re- producing in this edition.

Commentary on the Gospel of Matthews – Chapter 5,6 & 7

10 years ago

We examine the incongruities between the Gospels relating to the Sermon on the Mount.

Discrimination Between Truthfulness and Falsehood – Sermon on the Mount

10 years ago

Analysing the epic dialogue on the Trinity between a ‘Seeker of Truth’ and a Christian Missionary, later titled ‘Sermon on…

Introductions to the two central figures who engaged in the discussion entitled ‘Sermon on the Mount.’

10 years ago

Hazrat Mirza Bashir-Ud-Din Mahmud Ahmadra (1889–1965) Hazrat Mirza Bashir-Ud-Din Mahmud Ahmadra was the second Successor of the Promised Messiahas and…

Muhammadsa – The Liberator of Women

10 years ago

1400 years ago the Prophet Muhammadsa revolutionised the rights of women at a time when they were treated as mere…

The Philosophy of Revelation

10 years ago

How revelation is received and its various forms explained.

The Manumission of Slaves

10 years ago

Continuing our serialisation of the epic Life and Character of the Seal of Prophets, Vol II

The Islamic Perspective of Life after Death

10 years ago

What happens when we die? The soul, relationship with the grave, heaven and hell and whether communication is possible with…

Press Release: World Muslim Leader Prays For Innocent Victims of Israel-Palestine Conflict

10 years ago

Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba Calls on the Muslim Nations to Play Their Roles in Ending the Violence and Establishing Peace…

Islam – A Threat or a Source of Peace

10 years ago

Khilafat (or Caliphate) is a word that instils great fear amongst many non-Muslims. Are these fears justified? Or is there…

Suffer Pain to Bring Comfort to Humanity

10 years ago

True Islamic teachings teach us to experience grief to bring others consolation.

The Significance of Ramadan

10 years ago

The holiest month for Muslims where they go hungry from dawn to dusk, but what is the true philosophy behind…

Religious Trends in Germany

10 years ago

More people are moving away from affiliated religion; however the number of Muslims continues to rise.

The Role of Mosques

10 years ago

What are the main functions of the mosques built by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community today?

Snapshot: Ahmadiyya Mosque Activities in Germany

10 years ago

  What is the purpose of the mosques constructed by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community? Their function is encapsulated by the…

Khalifah of the Promised Messiahas in Germany

10 years ago

The Khalifah of the Promised Messiahas in Germany to Promote Integration and Spread Peace

A Gathering of Peace

10 years ago

Why were over 30,000 Muslims gathered in Karlsruhe in Germany this June?

Impressions of Ms. Staska Baric

10 years ago

Ms. Baric, a Catholic, travelled to Germany from Croatia to attend the Ahmadiyya Annual Convention in Karlsruhe and afterwards wrote…

God in the 21st Century – Keynote Address – Islam

10 years ago

Keynote Address by Head of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community at Conference of World Religions – “Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim – In the Name of…