The Holy Prophet Muhammadsa

9 years ago

PATIENCE IN THE FACE OF PERSECUTION The Prophetsa taught that disbelief in the Oneness of God was an offence, punishable…

Untold Stories

9 years ago

We continue our newly launched series of ‘untold stories’ from around the world. After travelling across three major continents of…

God – His Transcendence and Manifestation

9 years ago

Eyes cannot reach Him, but He reaches the eyes.

The Prophet Muhammadsa

9 years ago

Bravery At one time Madinah was full of rumours 
that the Romans were preparing a large army for its invasion.…

Words of Wisdom from the Promised Messiah (as)

9 years ago

God of Islam Visible in nature and Perceived by Human Hearts The Being of God is transcendental and beyond the…

Evolution – Survival Without Direction?

9 years ago

A closer inspection of almost any aspect of evolutionary science will raise as many questions as answers.

Preaching Activities of Jesusas in the East; Jesusas in India

9 years ago

There is a growing body of strong evidence to suggest that Jesusas, having survived the crucifixion, travelled East to Kashmir…

From the Archives – My Visit to Qadian

9 years ago

A globe-trotter who visited Qadian, India in November 1932 and stayed there for about 7 weeks, recounts his unique experience.

Untold Stories

9 years ago

We launch a new series from this edition: ‘untold stories’ from around the world. I have had the honour of…

The Difference Between True Islam and Extremist Groups

10 years ago

How do we diffuse the threat of ISIS and other extremist groups? A deconstruction of the current situation originating in…

The Message of Peace

10 years ago

“My countrymen, a religion which does not inculcate universal compassion is no religion at all. Similarly, a human being without…

Notes & Comments: Why I Condemn the Jewish Synagogue Attack

10 years ago

In November two Palestinians mercilessly attacked a synagogue in Jerusalem claiming the lives of five Israelis and injuring eight others.…

Bitcoin: On Behalf of the Future

10 years ago

The Internet is undergoing a rapid decentralisation movement which may profoundly change how we make every day financial transactions.

Boko Haram and Children’s Education

10 years ago

The abduction of school girls in Nigeria has given us the chance to reflect on what Islam really teaches regarding…

Guest Reflect on Peace Symposium

10 years ago

“One of the things I enjoy about coming to the Peace Symposiums that the Ahmadiyya Community holds, is to listen…

FGM – Not in the Name of Islam

10 years ago

A barbaric practice that pre-dates Islam with its roots from ancient Egypt.

Mosque of Mary

10 years ago

The Mosque of Mary opens in Galway, Ireland.

Revelation, Inspiration, Vision & Dream

10 years ago

The hallmarks of Divine Revelation.

Religious Trends in Ireland

10 years ago

Although traditionally a strong Catholic country, many are moving away from the Church.

Guests Reflect on Opening of Mosque of Mary

10 years ago

“I met His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad at the European Parliament a couple of years ago.I was awestruck by…

Population Ageing – Challenges Ahead

10 years ago

The ageing population of the world is an issue that can no longer be ignored.

Parenting & Child Development – An Islamic Perspective

10 years ago

Throughout the civilized world governments, institutions, people in authority and the public create rules to protect society in order to…

Hajj – Pilgrimage to the House of God

10 years ago

The rites, rituals and sites of Hajj explained.

The Institution of Hajj

10 years ago

The true spirit of Hajj involves complete devotion to God.

The Philosophy of Hajj

10 years ago

A glance at Pilgrimage in world religions and the philosophy of Hajj.

Hajj – Universal Brotherhood

10 years ago

How the Hajj aims to unite mankind.

The Farewell Sermon

10 years ago

The Holy Prophet Muhammad’ssa famous address on the ‘Mount of Mercy’ during the Hajj.

The 23 Great Objectives of the House of Allah

10 years ago

The overarching purposes of Ka'bah explained in-depth.