The Spiritual Benefits of Fasting

9 years ago

The holiest month for Muslims, Ramadan, has arrived.

Visit to Sacred Places

9 years ago

One of Britian’s leading professors in religion and Islam recounts his memorable experiences to Rabwah and Qadian.

The Economic System of Islam

9 years ago

How does Islam imagine the ideal economic system? Second part in series.

The Age of Hazrat A’ishahra at the Time of Her Marriage to the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa

9 years ago

Part 2 from the Life and Character of the Seal of Prophets, explaining one of the most contentious issues of…

The Holy Prophet Muhammadsa

9 years ago

HIGH MORAL QUALITIES The Holy Prophetsa, throughout his life, had to encounter a succession of bitter experiences. He was born…

Untold Stories

9 years ago

We continue our newly launched series of ‘untold stories’ from around the world. Ebola Miracle When the Ebola virus disease…

From the Archives: Is the Shroud of Turin a Medieval Photograph?

9 years ago

The official photographer of the 1978 Shroud of Turin Research Project explains whether the theory that the Shroud is merely…

The Sudarium of Oviedo and the Shroud of Turin

9 years ago

There exists another cloth, closely related to the Shroud of Turin, that is far less famous but has an equally…

A Brief Review of the Recent CNN Documentary & Further Comments on the Medieval Photograph Theory

9 years ago

Renowned Shroud expert Barrie Schwortz gives his opinion on CNN’s recent documentary on the Shroud of Turin.

The Oviedo Cloth by Mark Guscin

9 years ago

Mark Guscin is one of the few scholars to have written about the Sudarium of Oviedo in English. Here we…

Jesus In India

9 years ago

An incredible hypothesis – Jesusas survives the crucifixion and travels East to India. Is this a deluded theory– or does…

The Economic System of Islam

9 years ago

How does Islam envisage the ideal economic and financial system?

Exposition on the Age of Hazrat ‘A’ishahra When She Married the Prophet Muhammadsa

9 years ago

In our times the age Hazrat ‘A’ishahra married the Prophet Muhammadsahas become a major point of contention. Here the facts…

The Holy Prophet Muhammadsa

9 years ago

PESSIMISM He [the Holy Prophetsa] was an enemy of pessimism. He used to say that whoever was guilty of spreading…

Untold Stories

9 years ago

We continue our newly launched series of ‘untold stories’ from around the world. As part of our missionary training, His…

The Golden Principles for World Peace

9 years ago

The Caliph of the most dynamic and educated Muslim Community in the world addresses Government Ministers, Ambassadors and Dignitaries from…

Our Paradise Lies in Our God

9 years ago

Our paradise lies in our God. Our highest delight is in our God for we have seen Him and have…

Notes & Comments

9 years ago

Firm Stance Against Terror at Peace Symposium—London

Three Minutes and Counting

9 years ago

Why the world needs to act urgently to avoid a global catastrophe

The Sign of Jonahas

9 years ago

How the Sign of Jonahastells us the true mission of Jesusas and proves Jesusas did not die on the Cross.

Has Science Rendered Religion Obsolete?

9 years ago

Is it really true that religion no longer has any place in this, our age of modern science?

Qadian – A Sacred Place of Spiritual Birth and Brotherhood for the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community

9 years ago

An esteemed scholar who studied religion for over 50 years recounts his recent visit to the birthplace of the Promised…

The Holy Prophet Muhammadsa

9 years ago

Deference Towards Servants of Humanity He paid special deference to those who devoted their time and substance to the service…

Untold Stories

9 years ago

We continue our newly launched series of ‘untold stories’ from around the world. Blessings of “Allahu Akbar” On the 2nd…

Reaction to Charlie Hebdo…?

9 years ago

English Translation by Shahzad Ahmad and Tariq Malik Here, The Review of Religions presents the response given at the time…

A Message of Peace

9 years ago

The Founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim community. In 1891, he claimed on the basis of Divine revelation, that he was…

Legal Right Versus Moral Duty: Deconstructing the Opposing Paradigms to Free Speech

9 years ago

Introduction The deadly Paris shootings on the 7th of January this year, where two gunmen claiming to belong to the…

Islam and the Abolishment of Slavery

9 years ago

First ever serialisation of the newly translated Volume II of Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad’sra outstanding biography, Seerat Khatamun Nabiyyin, on…

My Visit to Qadian

9 years ago

Manal Odeh is from Kababeer, Haifa and here recounts her first ever visit to Qadian this past December. In the…

The Life of the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa

9 years ago

Introduction “Cognisance is my true possession, wisdom is the root of my religion, love is my foundation, zeal is my…