Five Moments With God

4 years ago

By María Isabel Losa, London. Prayer. Prayer is sometimes considered an empty word devoid of true meaning; a concept alien…

The Second Pillar of Islam: Salat, The Daily Prayers

4 years ago

Kamelia Ilieva |shutterstock Azhar Goraya, Mexico Prayer takes astonishingly different forms in the world’s diverse religious traditions. In Jerusalem, one…

Religion and Racism

4 years ago

Ayesha Lateef, MHS, RN, Fitchburg, Massachusetts Shutterstock ID 380917981 Monotheistic religion and racism are two powerful belief systems, but one…

Interview with Imam Abdul Quddus Arif, President of Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association UK

4 years ago

©Makhzan-e-tasaweer Established since 1938, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association (AMYA) is one of the most unique and dynamic youth organisations…

Friday Sermon Summary 5th June 2020: “Companions of Badr, Rights of Women, Guidance Regarding Pandemic & Situation in America and the World”

4 years ago

After reciting the Tashahhud, Ta‘awwuz, and Surah Al-Fatihah, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (aba) continued his series of sermons on the lives of the Badri companions…

Race Relations in USA – True Justice and Lasting Peace

4 years ago

Hassan Wahab, New Jersey, USA Shutterstock ID 672255172 There has been widespread condemnation and protest in the United States and…

True meaning of God as ‘Master of the Time of Judgement’

4 years ago

VFXArabia | Shutterstock The Review of Religions is pleased to continue our serialisation of the first-ever full English Translation of…

Dreams – Portals to an Unknown World

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Sabahat Ali Rajput, Missionary  Artist-Rija Ahsan Covid-19 has left such a traumatic trail in its wake that it has hijacked…

Our Khalifa – The Greatest Father

4 years ago

Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad is a loving, caring, compassionate Khalifa, who is more of a father than all the fathers…

Our Khalifa – My Journey to Meet the Khalifa (aba)

4 years ago

Tahir Mahmood, Canada I have always wanted to meet beloved Huzoor (aba), ever since I was young. Seeing that we…

Friday Sermon Summary 29th May 2020: “Love & Devotion of the Ahmadiyya Community for Khilafat ”

4 years ago

After reciting the Tashahhud, Ta‘awwuz, and Surah Al-Fatihah, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (aba) mentioned that the Promised Messiah (as) thanked God Almighty for the…

Our Khalifa – Unforgettable Moments with His Holiness (aba)

4 years ago

M. Isabel Losa, London It was early June of 2013. Almost seven years ago now, but I remember it like…

Our Khalifa – Khilafat; Darkness to Light, Fear to Peace

4 years ago

Nughza Tul Zahra, France Long before my acceptance and conversion to the true Islam, Ahmadiyyat, in 2014, we had been…

Our Khalifa – A Beautiful Fragrance

4 years ago

Adam Abid Alexander, Canada After being introduced to the Ahmadiyya Community I was shown pictures of the Promised Messiah (as)…

Our Khalifa – My Story with the Khalifa in Norway; a Change in Perception

4 years ago

Berevan Saeed, Norway I am from Kurdistan of Iraq, and currently reside in Norway. I was born to a Sunni…

Our Khalifa – Graciousness Shown to a Young Child, and a Sign that the Caliphate of Ahmadiyyat is Guided by God.

4 years ago

Farhat Mahmood, UK It has been more than a year since last year’s Eid-ul-Fitr. By this time last year, the…

Our Khalifa – Witnessing the Blessings of Khilafat, A Personal Account

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Reem Shraiky, UK I say with certainty that every Muslim on earth has wished that he had lived at the time…

What Jesus (as) Really Said About Heaven and Hell: A Response to an Article in TIME

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©Shutterstock Bilal Atkinson, Hartlepool UK I was rather surprised to read what Professor Bart D. Ehrman had to say in…

Courage and High Resolve

4 years ago

The Promised Messiah (as) & Imam Mahdi (Guided One), Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) A person must not lose hope.…

The Attributes of Allah

4 years ago

The interior design of Mubarak Mosque, Islamabad, Tilford, in the UK is unique amongst mosques of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community.…

Fasting – A Blessed Institution

4 years ago

Shutterstock Mustafa Siddiqi, London, UK In the sacred month of Ramadan, when Muslims the world over rise before dawn, eat…

Untold Stories

4 years ago

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A Glimpse into the Life of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa)

4 years ago

Allah the Exalted has blessed us with a Prophet who is the Seal of the Believers, the Seal of the…

Seeking Forgiveness from Allah – The Cure for Spiritual Contraction

4 years ago

The Promised Messiah (as) & Imam Mahdi (Guided One), Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) Man undergoes a state of both…

The Holy Qur’an

4 years ago

The Review of Religions Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as), The Promised Messiah & Imam Mahdi The Promised Messiah (as) wrote…

Prophesied Hostility: A Sign of the Messiah and Mahdi

4 years ago

©Pixabay Fatir Ahmad, Canada It’s a concept that has held true since time immemorial; the dawn of any new religion…

Eid: An Oft-Returning Festival

4 years ago

©Pixabay Sarmad Naveed Eid Mubarak! It’s a greeting that echoes throughout Muslim households and mosques around the world at this…

Friday Sermon Summary 22nd May 2020: “Continuing the Virtues of Ramdan”

4 years ago

After reciting the Tashahhud, Ta‘awwuz, and Surah Al-Fatihah, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (aba) first thanked all those Ahmadis who had expressed their sentiments…

World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development.

4 years ago

©Pixabay Azhar Goraya, Mexico Today, May 21, is the World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development.  In 2001,…

Milk as a Rehydration Fluid after Fasting during Ramadan

4 years ago

©Pixabay Zartasht Sami Carmichael and Mubariz Mahmood Allah the Exalted says in the Holy Qur'an,  ‘O ye who believe! fasting…