An Impossible Request in Paraguay

3 years ago

An Ahmadi Missionary posted in Paraguay relied on the Power of God to help with a seemingly impossible request relating…

Why Bankers are Modern-Day Counterfeiters

3 years ago

The logic of banking and finance was born out of a betrayal of the trust of depositors by goldsmiths. Have…

Friday Sermon Summary 26th February 2021: ‘Rightly Guided Caliphs – Hazrat Uthman (ra)’

3 years ago

His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (aba) continued highlighting incidents from the life of Hazrat Uthman (ra).

The Messiah has Come: God’s Support in Prayer Duels

3 years ago

The prayer duels mentioned in this article show the love and support Allah the Almighty gave to Hazrat Mirza Ghulam…

Yes, Islam is a Religion of Peace

3 years ago

A close review of the Zubair Simonson's assertions against Islam- does he come to contradict the views held by His…

Friday Sermon Archives – Salat in Congregation; the Key to Success and Fulfilling the Purpose of Life – 20th January 2017

3 years ago

The Friday Sermon delivered by His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (aba) on Salat in congregation and how this leads…

Rays of Wisdom for the Modern World Part 5

3 years ago

Guidance from Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (aba) on a wide array of topics; from advice to doctors, the spiritual status…

‘He Will be Filled with Secular and Spiritual Knowledge’ – How the Promised Son was Taught Through the Grace of God

3 years ago

Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad (ra), the Promised Son, and Second Successor to the Promised Messiah (as). ©Makhzan-e-Tasaweer Sarmad Naveed,…

A Prophecy Made by the Promised Son, Fulfilled to the Letter – Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddeen Mahmud Ahmad (ra)

3 years ago

In 1938, the installation of a loud speaker at a mosque in Qadian was the beginning of a glorious prophecy…

Friday Sermon Summary 19th February 2021: ‘Prophecy of the Promised Son – He Will be Filled With Secular & Spiritual Knowledge’

3 years ago

February 20 commemorates the prophecy vouchsafed to the Promised Messiah (as) regarding the Promised Son. His Holiness (aba) focused on…

Vaccine Nationalism and the Need for Absolute Justice

3 years ago

Vaccine nationalism is posing a real problem when it comes to the equal distribution of the. Covid-19 vaccine. This article…

Ahmadis: Those Who Serve the Jama’at with Grateful Hearts

3 years ago

International Bai’at (Oath of Allegiance) Ceremony at the hand of Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (aba). Yusra Dahri, UK On my…

‘The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari’: A Lesson on Materialism

3 years ago

©Shutterstock Qasim Choudhary, USA In his popular fable The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari, Robin Sharma takes his readers on a…

The True Religion

3 years ago

The True Religion By Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad (ra), looking at mans relationship with God in Islam.

Girl Abductions in Pakistan – A Far Cry from Islamic Values

3 years ago

The ill treatment of non-Muslim women in Pakistan entirely contradict the inclusive values of peace taught by the Holy Prophet…

Cancel Culture – Where Do We Draw the Line?

3 years ago

Nila Ahmad explores the meaning of cancel culture, the consequences around it and whether it could pose a further threat…

A Shining Star of Ahmadiyyat – Remembering Chaudhry Hameedullah

3 years ago

Recounting fond memories of a shining star of Ahmadiyyat, Chaudhry Hameedullah Sahib (1934-2021)

Friday Sermon Summary 12th February 2021: ‘A Great Servant of the Community – Chaudhary Hameedullah Sahib’

3 years ago

Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (aba) mentioned the life of a great servant of the Community, Chaudhary Hameedullah Sahib, who passed…

Friday Sermon Archives – Wisdom of the Veil – 13th January 2017

3 years ago

Friday Sermon from the archives, discussing the wisdom and importance of the veil.

Religion – The Root of Terrorism…?

3 years ago

©Shutterstock Hammad Ahmad, USA They referred to themselves as ‘God’s warriors’. [1] Armed to the teeth, chanting religious slogans and…

A Covid Story: Home is Where the Heart Is… And the Heart is Where Ahmadiyyat Is

3 years ago

Ayesha Ahmad reflects on her experience with coronavirus and how at her time of need, fellow members of the Ahmadiyya…

Do Muslim Women Need to Prove Their Equality by Leading Men in Prayer?

3 years ago

©Shutterstock Reem Shraiky, UK I do not know why the idea of ​​a Muslim woman not leading men in prayer…

Rays of Wisdom for the Modern World Part 4

3 years ago

His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (aba) is a beaming beacon of Divine guidance and support. His Holiness (aba) represents…

‘Let’s never lose hope because hope is actually the heart of life’ – Interview with Suicidologist Faryde Lara

3 years ago

After losing her sister to suicide, Faryde Lara became a suicidologist and devoted her time to helping others recognize the…

Friday Sermon Summary 5th February 2021: ‘Rightly Guided Caliphs – Hazrat Uthman (ra)’

3 years ago

His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (aba) continued highlighting incidents from the life of Hazrat Uthman (ra).

Sowing the Seeds of Peace Through Mutual Respect

3 years ago

We must understand that we cannot sow the seeds of peace without sowing the seeds of mutual respect between us.

In Search of ‘The Atlantis of the Sands’: Iram of the Pillars and the People of Ad – Part I

3 years ago

Part I of a detailed insight into the centuries old quest to find one of Arabia’s lost cities, Iram- from…

Friday Sermon Archives – The Blessings of Financial Sacrifice – 6th January 2017

3 years ago

Friday Sermon from the archives on the topic of financial sacrifice delivered by the Fifth Caliph, Worldwide Head of the…

World Hijab Day – Is Observing the Veil Based on My Choice or Your Opinion?

3 years ago

Munavara Ghauri talks about the freedom around women observing the veil - a subject that is always at the forefront…

Financial Sacrifice Must Be For the Sake of Allah Alone

3 years ago

Gems of the Promised Messiah & Imam Mahdi (as) If someone makes a donation or contributes in the way of…