Untold Stories – A Timeless Moment with the Caliph

3 years ago

A continuation of our series, Untold Stories; an inspirational story about how ones deepest wishes can be accepted and answered…

Does Islam Tackle the Crisis of Climate Change?

3 years ago

A comprehensive exploration of the many ways Islam teaches us to show kindness to the land, animals and planet to…

The Fountainhead of True Knowledge is the Holy Qur’an

3 years ago

Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) explains the importance of The Holy Qur'an which is the source and fountainhead of true…

A Glimpse into the Life of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa)

3 years ago

An insight into the Holy Prophet (sa)'s love for the worship of God.

At-Tafsīr-ul-Kabīr: The Grand Exegesis

3 years ago

A continuation of Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad (ra)'s insightful and in-depth commentary of the Holy Qur’an.

The Attributes of Allah

3 years ago

A continuation of our series delving into each of God’s attributes to gain a better understanding of His Being.

World Faiths: Prayer

3 years ago

References from world religions about the importance of prayer.

Gems of the Promised Messiah & Imam Mahdi (as): Be Sincere and Determined

3 years ago

Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) explains the importance of perseverance and patience in prayers.

Natural, Moral and Spiritual States of Man

3 years ago

Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as), The Promised Messiah & Imam Mahdi The Promised Messiah (as) wrote over 80 books in…

Rays of Wisdom for the Modern World Part 6

3 years ago

How does His Holiness (aba) prepare before meeting world leaders? How should we approach Godlessness and extremist in the world?…

Places of Worship –Church of the Nativity

3 years ago

A look into the Places of Worship, The Church of the Nativity in the town of Bethlehem, Palestine and its…

Making Economic Sense of Religion – A Special Interview with Dr. Sriya Iyer

3 years ago

University reader in Economics, Dr Iyer speaks to the Review of Religions about her research on the connection between religion…

Thoughts on the Tragic Case of Sarah Everard and How Islam Protects Women

3 years ago

Following the tragic case of Sarah Everard, Munavara Ghauri explains who, according to Islam, has the responsibility of protecting women…

Friday Sermon Summary 12th March 2021: ‘Rightly Guided Caliphs – Hazrat Uthman (ra)’

3 years ago

His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (aba) explained Hazrat Uthman's (ra) esteemed rank, and that even the Holy Prophet (sa)…

Responding to ‘the Muslim Skeptic’ – Proving False the Baseless Allegations Against the Promised Messiah (as)

3 years ago

A response to baseless allegations against prophecies made by the Promised Messiah, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as)

The Golden Rule

3 years ago

One common facet of all faiths is known as the ‘Golden Rule’, which, recognising that there is just one Creator,…

Our Fragile Planet

3 years ago

In being careless about our environment and disrespecting the creations of Allah, we are harming the planet and ourselves, both…

A Tale of Two Prayers

3 years ago

A personalised experience entailing how the true belief in God can result in miracles, and prayers that are answered in…

Islam and the Happiness Revolution

3 years ago

Learn about Islam's guide to happiness.

The Birth of a Son and the Strengthening of Faith

3 years ago

Munavara Ghauri writes about the birth of her son which strengthened her faith and reinforced her conviction in a Compassionate…

Launch of ‘The Existence Project’ – A SPECIAL INTERVIEW with the Worldwide Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community

3 years ago

An exclusive interview with His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (aba) regarding the existence of God, the acceptance of prayers,…

Was the Promised Messiah (as) an Agent of the British Government? Distinguishing Facts from Fiction

3 years ago

A response to the baseless allegation that Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) was an agent of the British Government.

Friday Sermon Summary 5th March 2021: ‘Rightly Guided Caliphs – Hazrat Uthman (ra)’

3 years ago

His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (aba) continued highlighting incidents from the life of Hazrat Uthman (ra) and the disorder…

A Vision of Greener Pastures

3 years ago

Eeman Almasri writes about her family's faith-inspiring journey from their original homeland, war-stricken Syria, to their new home in Canada.

The Chinese of Mauritius – Our Friends – 毛里求斯的中國人 – 我們的朋友

3 years ago

A brief history of the establishment of the Chinese community in Mauritius and their relationship with the local Ahmadiyya Muslim…

The Noble Judge: A History of Captain Montagu William Douglas

3 years ago

A history of Captain Montagu William Douglas touching on his noble character and lifetime achievements.

100-Year Rewind: The Review of Religions February 1921 Edition

3 years ago

What is Islam's take on non-co-operation with the government? The second Caliph of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community explains.

Editorial – What is the Existence Project? – A Vision of the Caliph Explained…

3 years ago

The Review of Religions launches a new section dedicated to the existence of God, called 'the Existence Project'

The Bullet that Started World War I: A Sign of the Existence of God

3 years ago

The Promised Messiah (as) warned European nations of the impending doom that World War I would wreak on the world.…

The Harvest of God’s Blessings

3 years ago

Starting a new business is full of risk and uncertainty, but the prayers of one farmer helped his business flourish…