School is a Home of Love and Security

3 years ago

School is our second home, and home means, of course, security and love; where our fathers, mothers, brothers, and sisters…

Mars Rover Perseverance and The Search for Life

3 years ago

NASA’s latest rover to Mars, Perseverance, aims to gather data on the origins of life, as explained in the Holy…

The COVID Impact on Mothers

3 years ago

Nila Ahmad talks about the impact and the struggles brought on by the pandemic on mothers, and the constant societal…

The Monetary Original Sin: Special Interview with Professor David Hawkes

3 years ago

An Interview with Professor David Hawkes about the history of usury in Rennaisance England and its negative effects on a…

100 Year Rewind: The Review of Religions March 1921 Edition

3 years ago

100 Year Rewind: A summary of the Review of Religions March 1921 issue, which included articles on 'Early History of…

An Extraordinary Challenge & a Magnificent Sign

3 years ago

©Shutterstock Shahzad Ahmed, London, UK Among the countless signs which demonstrate the truthfulness of the prophets of God has been…

Atheism: A Lesser-Known History

3 years ago

©Shutterstock Tariq Mahmood, Canada New atheists claim a rich history. Ask one and they will likely explain that the rise…

Friday Sermon Summary 26th March 2021: ‘Significance of Promised Messiah (as) Day’

3 years ago

Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (aba) emphasised on the importance of 23rd March and purpose of the advent of the Promised…

Interview with Zainab Kizilbash, Founder of ‘Our Small Wonders’

3 years ago

An interview with the founder of 'Our Small Wonders', an organisation who work to see more autism awareness and acceptance…

Ways To Say Goodbye – Death and the Soul; a Religious Perspective

3 years ago

Looking at the age old question, what happens when to us when we die? A comparative study of religions on…

A Grand Prophecy to Demonstrate the Truthfulness of Islam

3 years ago

©Shutterstock On 20th February 1886, God Almighty bestowed the Promised Messiah (as) with the following prophecy:  ‘I confer upon you…

OPINION | A Muslim’s Reflection On Atheist Persecution

3 years ago

Today, some Atheists worldwide are marking #AtheistDay – discussing the fundamental human right to conscience & expression.

The Rising of the Sun from the West: Spiritual Conquest of India and Western Interactions with the Promised Messiah (as)

3 years ago

Raheel Ahmad presents examples of the efforts of the Promised Messiah (as) in defence of Islam and the propagation of…

REFLECTIONS: This Day, the Establishment of a Worldwide Spiritual Community, and Commemoration of a Life Looking Towards Hope

3 years ago

On this day in 1889, the Promised Messiah (as) established Ahmadiyyat. We also look towards a future of hope after…

The Second Coming of the Messiah – An Exploration of the Islamic Concept of Messiah According to Qur’an and Hadith and His Physical Appearance

3 years ago

The concept of the messiah has been long debated among Muslim circles. This article clarifies some common misconceptions and inaccurate…

COVID-19 Vaccine Myths and Concerns: Insights from an Intensive Care Specialist Working on the Front Lines

3 years ago

Dr Shahzaib Ahmad, an intensive care specialist working on the front lines, provides insight into the myths and concerns around…

Patience in Prayer

3 years ago

In this excerpt, the Promised Messiah (as) explains the importance of patience and perseverance during prayer.

A Glimpse into the Life of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa)

3 years ago

An insight into the Holy Prophet (sa)'s words on the love for God.

The Love of God and His Grace

3 years ago

Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) explains the importance of the love of God and His Grace.

At-Tafsīr-ul-Kabīr: The Grand Exegesis

3 years ago

Continuation of At-Tafsīr-ul-Kabīr: The Grand Exegesis series, one of the most insightful and in-depth commentaries of the Holy Qur’an ever…

World Faiths: Lying and Deceit

3 years ago

References from world religions about the lying and deceit.

The Attributes of Allah

3 years ago

A continuation of our series delving into each of God’s attributes to gain a better understanding of His Being.

5 Reasons To Read the Holy Qur’an

3 years ago

As some Muslims continue to display heedlessness towards the grandeur of the Holy Qur'an, we present five reasons you should…

Let’s Not Medicalise Misery?

3 years ago

As the covid19 pandemic continues, we take a look at what affect it has had on mental health and what…

Punishment in This World

3 years ago

The Review of Religions monthly feature, excerpts of the collected works of The Promised Messiah (as). This month we look…

Friday Sermon Summary 19th March 2021: ‘Rightly Guided Caliphs – Hazrat Uthman (ra)’

3 years ago

His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (aba) said that he would continue highlighting incidents from the life of Hazrat Uthman…

Reaching for the Stars: Interview with Lawyer Nusrat Haq

3 years ago

An interview with Nusrat Haq, BA (Oxon), a practising solicitor in Corporate Law, on how her faith and career have…

Places of Worship – The Great Synagogue of Budapest

3 years ago

A look into the Places of Worship, The Great Synagogue of Budapest and its significance.

THE EXISTENCE PROJECT: The Prayer of a Muslim, The Wisdom of a Caliph

3 years ago

The Press Secretary of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Abid Khan Sahib, shares an inspiring incident of an earnest prayer being…

Untold Stories – A Timeless Moment with the Caliph

3 years ago

A continuation of our series, Untold Stories; an inspirational story about how ones deepest wishes can be accepted and answered…