A Glimpse into the Life of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa) – The Holy Prophet’s (sa) Deep Love for the Holy Qur’an

1 year ago

@Shutterstock Hazrat Abu Hurairah (ra) relates that once he had the chance to spend the night with the Holy Prophet…

Setting an Example in Adopting Virtue and Shunning Evil

1 year ago

His Holiness Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (aba) speaking in Kingsley, Hampshire, to the elders of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, UK.…

Gems – The Jurisdiction of the Brain, Heart and Tongue

1 year ago

Allah the Exalted has put in place three ruling forces within human beings. The first of them is the brain,…

Places of Worship – Timbuktu Mosque

1 year ago

The name Timbuktu conjures up images of ancient adventure and mystery. The ancient city, ideally located in a slight depression…

World Faiths – Moral Law

1 year ago

@Shutterstock He has prescribed for you the religion which He enjoined on Noah, and which We have revealed to thee,…

Gems of the Promised Messiah & Imam Mahdi (as) – A Humble Prayer

1 year ago

O, Most Merciful One! A humble servant of Thine, useless and full of errors and without any merit, Ghulam Ahmad,…

Qur’an Burning in Sweden – Is This Really Freedom of Speech?

1 year ago

In the name of freedom of religion, many people have taken the path of ignorance and have disregarded the most…

French Riots Show Deep Fracture in the Social Contract

1 year ago

What's been happening in France over the last week? Why are people rioting? Is it a symbol of an irreparably…

Mosques – Centres of Peace and Religious Freedom

1 year ago

Official Transcript of address by the the Fifth Caliph at the Inauguration of the Baitus Salaam Mosque in Scunthorpe, UK

Friday Sermon Summary 7th July 2023: ‘Life of the Holy Prophet (sa) – Developments During the Battle of Badr’

1 year ago

After reciting Tashahhud, Ta‘awwuz and Surah al-Fatihah, His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (aba) said that in the previous sermon,…

Imperial College London Names Library After First Muslim Nobel Laureate in Science

1 year ago

Imperial College London commemorated the first Muslim Nobel Laureate in Science by naming its library after Dr Abdus Salam

Friday Sermon Summary 30th June 2023: ‘Life of the Holy Prophet (sa) – Commencement of the Battle of Badr’

1 year ago

His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (aba) mentioned the great expression of love for the Holy Prophet (sa) shown by…

Friday Sermon Summary 23rd June 2023: ‘Life of the Holy Prophet (sa) – Preparations for the Battle of Badr’

1 year ago

His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (aba) continued mentioning the preparations that were made for battle.

Lajna Ima’illah – Beyond its Time in Empowering Women

1 year ago

Since its inception,the Ahmadiyya Woman's Auxiliary Organisation has been beyond its time in empowering women

Friday Sermon Summary 16th June 2023: ‘Life of the Holy Prophet (sa) – Events Prior to the Battle of Badr’

1 year ago

His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (aba) continued mentioning the preparations that were made for battle with the disbelievers of…

Friday Sermon Summary 9th June 2023: ‘Life of the Holy Prophet (sa): Early Expeditions’

1 year ago

His Holiness (aba) mentioned some of the expeditions that took place before the Battle of Badr, as well as about…

The Sacrifice Required to Fulfil the Pledge of Waqf-e-Nau

1 year ago

Official transcript of address by the 5th Caliph (aba) at the National Waqf-e-Nau Ijtema UK 2023 on 30th April 2023,

Allah The Exalted

1 year ago

Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as), The Promised Messiah & Imam Mahdi The Promised Messiah (as) wrote over 80 books in…

Ahmadi Muslim Youth – Bringing a Moral and Spiritual Revolution

1 year ago

On 11th September 2022, the Worldwide Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, the Fifth Khalifa (Caliph), His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor…

The Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa) and World Peace

1 year ago

His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (aba), Worldwide Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community During his concluding address of the…

Friday Sermon Summary 2nd June 2023: ‘Life of the Holy Prophet (sa): Circumstances Leading to the Battle of Badr’

1 year ago

His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (aba) begin a series of sermons about the Holy Prophet (sa) in relation to…

Gems of the Promised Messiah & Imam Mahdi (as) – The Concept of Two Matters Essential for Prayer

1 year ago

True worshippers know well that a concept of these two matters is essential for prayer: first, that God Almighty has…

World Faiths – Unity and Community

1 year ago

@shutterstock Surely all believers are brothers. So make peace between brothers, and fear Allah that mercy may be shown to you. ISLAM,…

Emulating the Righteous Examples of the Companions

1 year ago

An address by the 5th Caliph, His Holiness, Mirza Masroor Ahmad (aba) at the UK national Majlis-e-Shura 2023

Places of Worship – Uluru and Kata Tjuta

1 year ago

Fazal Ahmad, London, UK Rising 340 metres above the Central Australian desert landscape, the red sandstone rock formation known as…

A Glimpse into the Life of the Holy Prophet (sa) – The Recitation of the Holy Qur’an and Fear of God

1 year ago

@shutterstock God says in the Holy Qur’an, ‘That the learned people fall down on their faces weeping and it increases…

Gems of the Promised Messiah & Imam Mahdi (as) – Three States of the Human Soul

1 year ago

There are three states of the soul: the self that incites to evil, the reproving self and the soul at…

Caliphate – The Lifeline of the Ummah

1 year ago

The Second Caliph, Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad (ra) explains the importance and significance of the Caliphate

Allah the Exalted

1 year ago

Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as), The Promised Messiah & Imam Mahdi The Promised Messiah (as) wrote over 80 books in…

From the Archives: Professor Wragge’s Interview with the Promised Messiah (as)

1 year ago

Professor Clement Lindley Wragge In May 1908, Professor Clement Lindley Wragge and his wife had the blessed opportunity to meet…