Reaction To The Ordinance

40 years ago

Press Report, Statements and Comments

Punishment for Apostacy in Islam

40 years ago

23 Prologue Punishment of Apostacy in Islam In this issue we are reproducing an article on the Law of Apostacy…

Ameerrul Momineen Speaks To Ahmadis

40 years ago

37 Hazrat Amirul Momineen, Khalifatul Masih IV, Speaks to Ahmadis The following speech of Hazrat Ameerul Momineen was delivered in…

A Tactical Misrepsentation

40 years ago

47 A Tactical Misrepresentation by Naeem Osman A renowned and revered saint of India, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad was acclaimed…

Helpers in the cause of Allah

40 years ago

56 Helpers in the Cause of Allah! Hazrat Khalifatul Masih's Sermon at The Fazl Mosque, London. 4th May, 1984 The…

An analysis Of the Ordinance

40 years ago

64 Analysis of The Ordinance By Rashid Ahmad Chaudhri General Zia-ul-Haq, the President of Pakistan promulgated an ordinance on the…

Book Review

40 years ago

69 REVIEW OF RELIGIONS (1774-1808) through persuasion, sincerity and piety. He gained a considerable following at his home in Degel.…

Letters to the Editor

40 years ago

70 Letters to the Editor Dear Sir, I refer to the letter of Squadron Leader M.A. Shaique in your March…

Commentary on a verse of the Holy Quran

40 years ago

Commentary on a verse of the Holy Quran i » ' ** Moses, the Founder of Judaism, lived about 1400…

Notes and Comments

40 years ago

Notes and Comments by A. R. Mughal 1. According to a news item, French Catholic leaders are greatly upset that…

Western Culture and Islam

40 years ago

Western Culture and Islam by B. A. Rafiq There was a time when Western influence in all spheres of life…

Jesus and the holy Quran

40 years ago

16 Jesus and the Holy Quran "And we made the Son of Mary and his mother a sign; and we…

The Holy Prophet on Idolatory

40 years ago

23 The Holy Prophet on Idolatory by Nur-ud-Din Muneer William Muir, Montgommery Watt and many other orientalists allege that the…

From Our Archives

40 years ago

34 From Our Archives by A. R. Mughal 1. Ali Muhammad Bab, the founder of the Babi Bahai religion belonged…

Historical Note On Bahaism

40 years ago

36 Historical Note on Bahaism by Fazal Dean The Shia sect of Muslims believe that the twelfth Imam Hazrat Muhammad…

Book Review

40 years ago

40 Book Review The World's Religions Author: Montgommery Watt Publisher: Lion Publishing, Tring, Herts. More than fifty specialist authors from…

Letters to the Editor

40 years ago

42 Letter to the Editor Dear Sir, I had the privilege of viewing the proceedings of Sindbi Adabi Mela on…

Guide Posts No.1 – Cheerfulness

40 years ago

43 Guide Posts No. 1 Bashir Ahmad Orchard CHEERFULNESS I have not seen anybody who smiled more than the Holy…

Commentary on a verse of the Holy Quran

40 years ago

Commentary on a verse of the Holy Quran And We sent a revelation to Moses, saying, Take away My servants…

Notes and Comments

40 years ago

Notes and Comments By B.A. Rafiq A new version of Bible readings has been made available by the National Council…

The Saying of the Holy Prophet Muhammad

40 years ago

The Sayings of The Holy Prophet Muhammad The Holy Prophet Muhammad said one day to his companions, "Reverence God as…

The Holy Shroud

40 years ago

The Holy Shroud of Turin by Dr. Aziz A. Chaudhh It is called the Shroud of Turin. Until recent years…

The Ahmadiyya Concept of Jehad

40 years ago

15 The Ahmadiyya Concept of Jehad by B.A. Rafiq One misunderstanding that is being spread is that the Founder of…

From Our Archives

40 years ago

22 From Our Archives By A. R. Mughal The Soul and the Body 1. What is soul and how much…

The Soul and the Body

40 years ago

24 The Soul and the Body By Mr. Bashir Ahmad Orchard What is soul? Where did it come from and…

Young Heros

40 years ago

32 Young Heroes By M.A. Khan Ghauri The Holy Prophet, peace be on him, had, under divine direction, migrated to…

Book Review

40 years ago

36 Book Review Iqbal's Concept of God Author:M.S. Raschid Publisher: Kegan Paul International, London & Boston The book, perhaps the…

Letters to the Editor

40 years ago

37 Letters to the Editor Dear Mr. Rafiq, It was a real pleasure to receive a copy of the January…

Pandit Lekh Ram – The Malicious Arya

40 years ago

38 Pandit Lekh Ram — The Malicious Arya By Syed Hasnat Ahmad, Canada In the decade beginning with 1880, there…

Commentary on a verse of the Holy Quran

40 years ago

COMMGNTARY ON A VGRS6 OF THE HOLY QURAN "And if you are in doubt as to what We have sent…