Hazrat Abu Bakr

39 years ago

Hazrat Abu Bakr (M. Siddique Shahid) Hazrat Abu Bakr was the most trusted and devoted companion of the Holy Prophet…

Points of View

39 years ago

Points of View (Bashir Ahmad Orchard) Christian: While it may be true that Muhammad was a good man he is…

Character of Muhammad

39 years ago

Character of Muhammad (Sir William Muir) The following description of his person and character is taken from Sir William Muir…

Possibility of Virgin Births

39 years ago

Possibility of Virgin Births (a) "Medical men have not ruled out altogether the possibility of natural parthenogenesis, or the production…

The Buddha and St. Jehosaphat

39 years ago

The Buddha and St. Jehosaphat (Nasir Ward) Religious syncretism was rife within and without the Roman Empire of the first…


39 years ago

Summarised from Mr. Gorham's sketch in his Ethics of the Great Religions

What is Islam?

39 years ago

What is Islam? Islam literally means Peace, surrender of one's Will; and to be in amity and concord. The significance…

Guide Posts

39 years ago

THE AHMADIYYA MOVEMENT The Ahmadiyya Movement was founded in 1889 by Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, the expected world reformer and…

Audience with Allah

39 years ago

Guide Posts SYMPATHY (Bashir Ahmad Orchard) "And slacken not in your zeal for the sympathy of your people." (Quran 4:105).…

Atheism Versus God

39 years ago

10 REVIEW OF RELIGIONS are nearer the day. Surely good works drive away evil works. This is a reminder for…

Experiment in fasting

39 years ago

28 REVIEW OF RELIGIONS with the Pharaoh's body by visiting the Royal Mummies Room of the Egyptian Museum, Cairo!" Second.…

Miracles of the Holy Quran

39 years ago

Experiment in Fasting (Dr. H. S. Tanner) (Fasting has been prescribed by different religions in one form or another for…

Ahmadiyyat Movement and Justice

39 years ago

MIRACLES OF THE HOLY QURAN 33 of Islam, which is well known to enemies and friends, and sees how clearly…

The Islamic way of Slaughter

39 years ago

AHMADIYYA MOVEMENT AND JUSTICE 37 "And those, who hearken to their Lord, and observe Prayer, and whose affairs are decided…

Book Review

39 years ago

40 REVIEW OF RELIGIONS the sensation of the pain. Acutes diffuse anoxia due to sudden loss of blood and oxygen…

Duty and Steadfastness

39 years ago

44 REVIEW OF RELIGIONS Many non-Muslims are familiar with the caricatured face and name of the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini but".…

Press Report

39 years ago

BOOK REVIEW 45 He answers criticisms of orthodox Muslims by forthrightly stating that "It is no sin to translate the…

Did Jesus die in Kashmir?

39 years ago

48 REVIEW OF RELIGIONS It was immediately after this that Mirza Tahir left Pakistan and came to London. The anti-Ahmadi…

The Legal Situation of Tartarian Population in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania

39 years ago

52 REVIEW OF RELIGIONS Musa's tomb north of Srinagar which, they hold, enshrines the mortal remains of Prophet Moses. The…

Obituaries and Press Reports

39 years ago

Obituary and Appraisal Sir Muhammad Zafrullah Khan (A. R. Mughal) Ch. Muhammad Zafrullah Khan, a key figure in the evolution…

Telegrams of Condolence

39 years ago

30 Telegrams of Condolence We reproduce some telegrams received by Begum Nasarulla Khan, daughter of Sir Zaffrulla Khan, and by…

Remedy for Mankind

39 years ago

REVIEW OF RELIGIONS 33 Remedy for Mankind (Muhammad Zafrulla Khan) "Convey to them: O My servants who have committed excesses…

Ways and Habits of the Holy Prophet

39 years ago

36 Ways and Habits of the Holy Prophet (Collection of Traditions Compiled by Sir Zafrulla Khan) Kharijah bin Zaid bin…

Economic Values

39 years ago

41 Economic Values (Sir Zafrulla Khan) In the economic sphere the basic concept in Islam is that absolute ownership of…

Guide Posts

39 years ago

Guide Posts RICHES (Bashir Ahmad Orchard) "Riches are not from an abundance of worldly goods but from a contented mind."…

What is the Meaning of “Union with God”

39 years ago

What is the Meaning of "Union with God" (Hazrat Mirza Bashir-ud-din Mahmud Ahmad) It is really beyond the power of…

Lord of the Universe

39 years ago

Lord of the Universe (Bashir Ahmad Orchard) "All praise belongs to Allah alone, the Lord of all the worlds." (Quran…

Baba Nanak Was a Muslim

39 years ago

Baba Nanak was a Muslim (Dr. Qazi Muhammad Barkatullah) Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian was raised by Almighty Allah…

Islam and Science

39 years ago

Islam and Science (Syed Fazal Ahmad) Islam is generally known as a religion (Mazhab), which is an Arabic word. However,…

Moral Qualities (Sayings of the Holy Prophet)

39 years ago

Moral Qualities (Sayings of the Holy Prophet) A deed is judged by its motive. If something troubles your mind, leave…