Investment, Interest, and Islam

31 years ago

It is very important in Islam not to hoard money but to keep it working. How does Islam view placing…


34 years ago

Christmas Day

Friday Sermon

34 years ago

Gist of 28th October 1990

The Satanic Verses

34 years ago

THE SATANIC VERSES (Zubair Ahmad) INTRODUCTION Few books in living memory have sparked off such a fiery controversy on the…

Holy Prophet of Islam as a Father

34 years ago

21 HOLY PROPHET OF ISLAM AS A FATHER (Dr. Qazi Muhammad Barakatullah) Muhammad literally means much praised. Even before he…

An Excellent Prayer

34 years ago

24 AN EXCELLENT PRAYER (Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad- - The Promised Messiah) The most excellent prayer which instructs us concerning…

80 Years Ago – The Religion of the Parsees

34 years ago

28 80 YEARS AGO (The foEowing article appeared in the Review of Religions dated De- cember, 1910) THE RELIGION OF…

Way of Spiritual Progress

34 years ago

34 WAY OF SPIRITUAL PROGRESS (Ahmad Oliyiwola Jegede) In the study of this highly intellectual and thought provoking subject one…

Sahibzada Mirza Munawwar Ahmad

34 years ago

39 SAHIBZADA MIRZA MUNAWWAR AHMAD ' (Bashir Ahmad Orchard) The Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam mourns the death of one of…

Ahmadi Martyrs

34 years ago

41 AHMADI MARTYRS (S. M. Shahab Ahmad) The Holy Quran is very explicit that since the time of Adam prophets,…


34 years ago

EDITORIAL The root cause of the spiritual malaise from which mankind suffers today is the failure to recognise and submit…

Creation of Man

34 years ago

CREATION OF MAN (Hazrat Mirza Bashir-ud-Din Mahmood Ahmad) In the 19th century Charles Darwin put forward a theory that man…

Prophecies about Middle East

34 years ago

11 PROPHECIES ABOUT MIDDLE EAST (Fazl Ilahi Anwari) PROPHECIES OF THE BIBLE The book of Ezekiel in the Bible gives…

80 Years Ago

34 years ago

20 80 YEARS AGO (Qazi Abdul Haque) [The following is an extract from the October issue of the Review of…

Jesus – Prophet of God

34 years ago

24 PSUS - PROPHET OF GOD (Muhammad ZafruEah Khan) Jesus was the last prophet in Israel. He was called the…

Celibacy in the Catholic Church

34 years ago

36 CELIBACY IN THE CATHOLIC CHURCH (Haven Bradford Gow) The recent scandals in the Catholic Church regarding pedophilic and homosexual…

Regulations Governing the Life of a Muslim

34 years ago

39 REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE LIFE OF A MUSLIM (Dr Hameed Ahmad Khan) We all live by certain rules and regulations.…


34 years ago

EDITORIAL The average person is confused by the number of different religions and also by their subdivisions and sects. Which…

Friday Sermon

34 years ago

Gist of 17 August, 1990

Ahmadiyyat in Ghana

34 years ago

11 AHMADIYYAT IN GHANA (Maulvi Abdul Wahab Adam) Islam inculcates love of one's country. The Holy Prophet of Islam, on…

The Grave

34 years ago

16 The Grave (Hazrat Mirza Bashir-ud-Din Mahmud Ahmad ) The Holy Quran indicates that God Himself sends every human being…

Immortal Life

34 years ago

21 IMMORTAL LIFE (Bashir Ahmad Orchard) 'And thou, O soul at peace! Return to thy Lord well pleased with Him…

Glasgow Herald October 27, 1903

34 years ago

A New Message

Faith or Wealth

34 years ago

34 FAITH OR WEALTH (Mirza Rehan Akram) On visiting a relative's home in London recently, a message displayed upon a…

80 Years Ago

34 years ago

Attitude of the Holy Quran towards other Revealed Scriptures and its Claim to Precedence


34 years ago

EDITORIAL It seems to be an unfortunate feature of our times that Muslims states are more often than not at…

Friday Sermon

34 years ago

Gist of 25th May 1990

Real Christianity

34 years ago

REAL CHRISTIANITY (Shameem- Ahmad Khalid) Christianity was born approximately two thousand years ago in a country which is known these…

What is Yoga?

34 years ago

WHAT IS YOGA? (Harbans Lai Aroro - University of Non-Conventional Energy, sources and Department of Analytical and physical chemistry, Federal…

Amnesty on Ahmadis

34 years ago

Printed in Asian Times dated 5th June 1990