Word Faiths – Spouses

11 months ago

And one of His Signs is this, that He has created wives for you from among yourselves that you may find peace of…

Gems of the Promised Messiah & Imam Mahdi (as) – Emotion, Weeping and Lamentation

11 months ago

Such people deem that the satisfaction and comfort of the soul lies in shedding a few tears and letting out…

Peace Symposium 2023: Guest Impressions

11 months ago

Guest Impressions @Makhzan e Tasaweer The 17th Peace Symposium was attended by more than 1,500 people, including 500 dignitaries and…

The Eid of the Holy Prophet (sa)

11 months ago

© Shutterstock Tariq Mahmood, Toronto, Canada From the meteoric rise of garage start-ups to the conquests of ancient nations, history…

The Science of Midday Napping and Islam

11 months ago

Centuries ago, Islam taught Muslims about the health advantages of napping. This has been scientifically backed by a vast amount…

Building Bridges: An Ahmadiyya Imam Conveys His Holiness’ Message to Pope Francis

11 months ago

Imam Marwan and the delegation speaking to His Holiness Pope Francis in his office. Marwan Gill, Buenos Aires, Argentina Ever…

Al-Tafsīr Al-Kabīr: The Excellences of Sūrah al-Falaq

11 months ago

© Shutterstock The Review of Religions is honoured to present the first ever full English translation of the commentary of…

Allah the Exalted – Part 10

11 months ago

The Promised Messiah (as) wrote over 80 books in Arabic, Urdu, and Persian. Excerpts of his collected works have been…

Religious Sites – Ephesus

11 months ago

© Shutterstock Fazal Ahmad, London, UK Location: Ephesus, Turkey Era: 550 BCE Religion: Christianity Ephesus is an ancient city in…

World Faiths – Transitioning to the Afterlife

11 months ago

© Shutterstock We have ordained death for all of you; and We cannot be prevented; from bringing in your place others like…

Gems of the Promised Messiah and Mahdi (as) – The Deeper Reality of the Word of Allah and the Soul

11 months ago

People have gravely misunderstood the term ‘Word of Allah’ which is used for the Messiah (as). They have understood this…

A Glimpse into the Life of the Holy Prophet (sa)

11 months ago

© Shutterstock The Holy Prophet’s (sa) Prayers for Guidance The whole life of our Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa) was full…

Gems of the Promised Messiah & Imam Mahdi (as) – Allah Never Permits that which may Become a Source of Polytheism

11 months ago

Now if this had been true and if Jesus, peace be upon him, had actually ascended to heaven alive as…

Beyond Fasting: The Lesser-Known Teachings of Ramadan

11 months ago

© Shutterstock Tariq Mahmood, Canada It is said our anthropological ancestors were forced to fast for days at a time…

‘Reviving the Land of Saints and Scholars’

11 months ago

© Shutterstock Shahzad Ahmed, London, UK When you think of Ireland, what do you associate with it?’ was the question…

Al-Tafsīr Al-Kabīr: The Grand Exegesis – Sūrah al-Falaq Part 1

11 months ago

The Review of Religions is honoured to present the first ever full English translation of the commentary of Sūrah al-Falaq,…

Allah the Exalted – Part 9

11 months ago

The Promised Messiah(as) wrote over 80 books in Arabic, Urdu, and Persian. Excerpts of his collected works have been translated…

Friday Sermon Summary 18th August 2023: ‘Entrusting Matters to Those Entitled to Them’

11 months ago

After reciting Tashahhud, Ta‘awwuz  and Surah al-Fatihah, His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (aba) said that God Almighty states in…

Setting the Record Straight: Responding to Adnan Rashid’s Allegations on the Writings of the Promised Messiah (as)

11 months ago

A response to Adnan Rashid's allegations levelled against the writings of the Promised Messiah (as)

Places of Worship – Temple Mount

11 months ago

@Shutterstock For over 3,000 years the Temple Mount on Mount Moriah in Jerusalem has held special significance for the three…

World Faiths – Meditation

11 months ago

Those who believe, and whose hearts find comfort in the remembrance of Allah. Aye! it is in the remembrance of Allah that…

Burning Issue Finally Addressed By UN

11 months ago

Is it against human rights to burn the Holy Qur'an? What are the implications of the decision made by the…

Gems of the Promised Messiah & Imam Mahdi (as) – Making Use of Mental Faculties and the Heart

11 months ago

Man experiences a time when both the heart and mind do not possess any faculties or powers at all. Then…

A Glimpse into the Life of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa) – Incidents of Acceptance of Prayers in the Life of the Holy Prophet Muhammad(sa)

11 months ago

@Shutterstock God was a hidden treasure. He wished to be recognised, so He created man and endowed him with the…

Gems of the Promised Messiah & Imam Mahdi (as) – God Almighty Does not Act in Contradiction to His Perfect Attributes

11 months ago

In order to substantiate that the Messiah is alive, one may perhaps argue as to whether Allah Almighty is powerful…

Friday Sermon Summary 11th August 2023: ‘Islam Ahmadiyyat & Winning the Hearts of the People’

11 months ago

His Holiness (aba) mentioned some incidents showing the blessings of God showered upon the Community, and said that these prove…

Ahmadiyya Jalsa Salana: A Model Template for Establishing Enduring Peace

11 months ago

The Jalsa Salana (Annual Convention) of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is an exemplary model for establishing peace on a global…

Argentina, in Favour of Interfaith Dialogue

11 months ago

Recalling common teachings of the prophets and presenting the many similarities present in the holy books, brings humanity together

Friday Sermon Summary 4th August 2023: ‘Jalsa Salana UK – A Glimpse into the Blessings of an Extraordinary Spiritual Gathering of Believers’

12 months ago

His Holiness (aba) said that last weekend, by the grace of Allah the Almighty, the Annual Convention (Jalsa Salana) UK…

People of Jalsa – ‘A Journey from Latvia to Find Answers About Islam’

12 months ago

A group from Latvia was introduced to the Ahmadiyyat, and so they travalled to Jalsa to get a first hand…