
22 years ago

Acceptance of the Promised Messiah (as).

The future of Life on Earth

22 years ago

Our feature length article looks at the remarkable way Holy Qur’an deals with the scenario of continuous evolution on earth,…

Assessment of Belief (part IV)

22 years ago

The time appointed for the advent of the Mahdi has arrived.


22 years ago

A brief introduction to Ahmadiyat.

QUESTION & ANSWER: Belief in the Hereafter

22 years ago

Some issues concerning heaven and hell, life after death and re-incarnation are answered.

Fasting in Religions

22 years ago

A brief look and comparison at the religious aspects concerning fasting of the major religions.

Islam for the Modern Woman

22 years ago

A brief look at how Islam have always provided rights for women long before western cultures introduced them.

Are the mountains Moving like the Clouds?

22 years ago

Mountains may appear to be finally fixed but their motion is similar to the movement of the clouds. A fresh…


22 years ago

Grand prophecy about an exceptional son whose qualities would be truly outstanding.


22 years ago

A time to understand and end hatred.

Achievments of the Promised Reformer

22 years ago

Our feature length article enlists the major achievements during the life of theblessed son of the Promised Messiah (as).

Assessment of Belief – Part III

22 years ago

The time appointed for the advent of the Mahdi has arrived.

QUESTION & ANSWER: Harmony and Peace

22 years ago

Religious differences should not prevent a civil life.

Islam’s Response to Terrorism

22 years ago

A keynote address to prevent crashing aeroplanes and sending suicide bombers.

A Game of Chess or a Game of Chance

22 years ago

The spontaneous emergence of life is about as likely as the assemblage of a 747 by a tornado and other…

The Holy Qur’an on War and Peace

22 years ago

An understanding of Islam’s teachings in warfare including the treatment of prisoners.


23 years ago

Passing through the 100 year milestone.

Notes & Comments

23 years ago

On religious extremism.

Natural Selection and Survival of the Fittest

23 years ago

Life did not create itself nor did death create life. A refreshing rational approach to the concept of evolution is…

Assessment of Belief – Part II

23 years ago

Convincing evidence corroborating the claim of Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad that he is the Promised Messiah and his resemblance to…

QUESTION & ANSWER: Distortion of Religion

23 years ago

Distortions of the original message led to the occult. Also the role of the Messiah is to rectify attitudes.

My Visit to Qadian

23 years ago

Review of Religions' staff reporter with an eye witness account of his recent visit.


23 years ago

Review of Religions: December 20012 The realm of medicine has fascinated man for centuries. Particularly with the expectation of a…


23 years ago

Review of Religions: December 2001 3 Seasons Greetings December is an interesting time of year. Christians celebrate Christmas Day to…

The History and Theory of Islamic Medicine

23 years ago

Review of Religions: December 20015 The author had the opportunity to review the history of Islamic medicine and was so…

Assessment of Belief – Part I

23 years ago

Review of Religions: December 200116 A person cannot, in reality, abandon his old ideas until he begins to think with…

Chirality and Sideness in Nature

23 years ago

Review of Religions: December 2001 23 What is sidedness, what significance does it possess if any and why sidedness at…

Socrates(as) – Development of Greek Philosophy and Religion

23 years ago

Review of Religions: December 2001 33 Introduction The Greeks were one of the earliest cultures alongside the Egyptians, Persians and…

Division and Unity

23 years ago

Review of Religions: December 200144 Questioner: I wish to ask how we can know that of the seventy-two sects which…

A Unique Cosmic Heavenly Sign

23 years ago

Review of Religions: December 200152 A number of spiritual teachers have prophecied about the advent of a Mahdi or Messiah…