A Century Ago

22 years ago

The first editorial published in the Review of Religions stating the purpose of of this publication.

The Pillars of Islam

22 years ago

Study into the philosophy behind the pillars of Islam and their real significance.

Teotihuacàn – Religious Capital of Central America

22 years ago

A look at the religious significance of this city and its sudden disappearance.

QUESTION & ANSWER: Interpretation of Sharia – Part 2

22 years ago

Answers to questions in Nigeria related to the enforcement of Sharia Law and its perceived harsh nature.

Life Sketch – Bashir Ahmad Orchard

22 years ago

Brief autobiography of a former editor of this magazine who passed away in July 2002.

Judaism – A short Introduction

22 years ago

A short introduction based on a speech given at a multi-religious function.

The Blind Watchmaker who is also Deaf and Dumb – Part II

22 years ago

Continuing our serialisation of the book Revelation, Rationality Knowledge and Truth.


22 years ago

Words in Print.

Notes and Comments

22 years ago

Political Economics.

Progress of Islam is Dependant Upon Khilafat

22 years ago

Based on a speech given in Germany in 1989.

Patience and Steadfastness

22 years ago

Hardships and the attainment of spiritual progression.

The Bondage of Sin

22 years ago

Extract from an article that appeared in the January 1902 Review of Religions.

The Blind Watchmaker who is also Deaf and Dumb

22 years ago

Continuing our serilisation of the book Revelation, Rationality Knowledge and Truth.


22 years ago

The qualities of obedience and tolerance.

Notes and Comments

22 years ago

Learning lessons from World Cup 2002 in Korea andJapan about being good hosts.

Religious Beliefs of North American Indians

22 years ago

Religious beliefs and practices of the American indians who lived in Canada, USA and Mexico.

The Purpose of Initiation

22 years ago

The struggle that only begins with the initiati and requires the believer to avoid temptation and undergo a demanding programme…

Organic Systems and Evolution

22 years ago

Examination of organic systems such as sensory organs, and their roles and special features in various species.

The Road to Social Peace

22 years ago

Comparison of the teachings of various faiths about the responsibilities of both the individual within society, and government towards all…

QUESTION & ANSWER: Continuity of Divine Guidance

22 years ago

Issues concerning the rationale for a messiah from Islam and Christianity, and the role of the Messiah.

Moons of Light

22 years ago

Understanding from Islam and other faiths about the nature of Divine Light which is seen on the faces and expressions…


22 years ago

Could God ignore the prayers of His prophet?

The Pure Heart

22 years ago

The role of the heart in bringing man closer to God.

Jesus’ Survival from the Cross

22 years ago

What the Bible tells us about this intriguing episode.

Is the Shroud of Turin a Medieval Photograph?

22 years ago

Could the image on the famous cloth be a photograph? A photographer investigates.

The Israelite Origin of People of Afghanistan and the Kashmiri People

22 years ago

Linking the scattered tribes of Israelites with their Jewish roots.

Evidence of Jesus(as) in India

22 years ago

Historical evidence of Jesus’ migration to India.

Letter to the Editor

22 years ago

The Catholic Church in America.


22 years ago

An invitation to study the claims of Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad – the Promised Messiah.