Christianity Uncovered

22 years ago

Discoveries through research and archaeology over the last 100 years have provided insight into the truth behind modern Christianity.

Islamic Tolerance and the Concept of Jihad

22 years ago

Address delivered in the presence of the President of Mauritius on the promotion of peace, the Charter of Freedom and…

The ‘Blind Watchmaker’ who is also Deaf and Dumb – Part V

22 years ago

Continuing our serialisation of Revelation, Rationality, Knowledge and Truth.

Review of Religions Centenary Message

22 years ago

2 Review of Religions – November 2002 Review of Religions Centenary Message from Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih IV Dear Readers, Assalamu…


22 years ago

3Review of Religions – November 2002 The first centenary of the Review of Religions fell in January 2002 but we…

Review of Religions: A 100 Year History of the Magazine

22 years ago

The records of the first Greek historian, Herodotus (484 BC – 408 BC) are beautiful annals of the civilisation and…

Unity v. Trinity – part II

22 years ago

The Divinity of Jesus (as) considered with reference to the extent of his mission.


22 years ago

What can we learn from earlier prophets and their followers?

Notes and Comment: An Aids Memoire

22 years ago

The destructive effect of this plague in the modern world.

Unity v. Trinity – part I

22 years ago

A critical review of Trinity from a philosophical and historical perspective.

Ramadan – Part II

22 years ago

How fasting during Ramadan can purify man spiritually as well as physically.


22 years ago

True spirituality lies in the sincerity in human action and not just in the actions themselves.

The Fazl Mosque – A Mosque for All Time

22 years ago

An insight into the significance of this mosque over the last 50 years.

Braheen-e-Ahmadiyya – A Monumental Book

22 years ago

A look at some aspects of this monumental work that remains unmatched in its defence of Islam.

Islam and Science

22 years ago

A brief review of how some recent theories are proving the truth of the Qur’an.


22 years ago

Allah Alone is the Knower of the hidden and the manifest.

Notes and Comment

22 years ago

Moving On.

The ‘Blind Watchmaker’ who is also Deaf and Dumb – IV

22 years ago

How could the wonders of the honeybee have evolved without a conscious designer?

Decree and Destiny

22 years ago

The relationship between prayer and Divine determination.

Concept of Jihad

22 years ago

Understanding the true interpretation of Jihad from the Holy Qur’an, traditions of the Holy Prophet(sa) and writings of the Promised…

The Blessings of Khilafat

22 years ago

A brief look at the some of the major achievements of the Successors to the Holy Prophet(sa) and the Promised…

Islam and Human Rights

22 years ago

Keynote address drawing a parallel between Islamic teachings and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Ramadan – Part 1

22 years ago

An exposition on the philosophy and importance of fasting in the month of Ramahan.


22 years ago

The significance of the minaret; also, many of today’s ecological problems are attributable to the lack of ethics.

Notes and Comments: A Second Coming

22 years ago

Can you imagine a son of God giving up his heavenly throne and descending to earth two millenniums later?

Islam and the Global Quest for Sustainable Development

22 years ago

A review of some of the major environmental issues issues facing the world today and Islam’s answers to these.

The Purpose of Religious Differences

22 years ago

Discussion on why and how religious debate should be conducted.

The Blind Watchmaker who is also Deaf and Dumb – Part III

22 years ago

Continuing our serialisation of the book Revelation, Rationality Knowledge and Truth.

How to get Rid of the Bondage of Sin

22 years ago

Concluding part of an extract from an extremely popular article that appeared in the January 1902 Review of Religions.


22 years ago

In matters of religion, it is easy to get sidetracked into customs, traditions and practices at a rudimentary level, without…