Efficacy of Repentance – Part II

21 years ago

God is now quickening the earth after its spiritual death; the time is ripe for the arrival of he Messiah;…

QUESTION & ANSWER – Response to Questions

21 years ago

Spiritualism is a material world; life after death; is animal slaughter cruel; and idealising pop-stars.

Euphesus – Turning Points for Christianity

21 years ago

Paul and John visited this town in Turkey, with its caves where Christians fled persecution and where a council changed…

Future of Revelation – Part II

21 years ago

The rationale for the concept of the finality of Prophethood.

Persecution of the Ahmadiyya Community in Pakistan: An Analysis Under International Law and International Relations

21 years ago

Concluding a detailed review of the background to the persecution of Ahmadis – Part 3.


21 years ago

Introducing the centenary of a noble man of great understanding who stood up for truth and made the ultimate sacrifice…

Notes and Comment – Resiliance of children

21 years ago

Nature has endowed children with survivability but parents must address their spiritual needs as well.

Martyrs of Afghanistan

21 years ago

Our lead article is an account of the life and times of Sahibzada Abdul Latif, his martyrdom a hundred years…

100 Years of Divine Retribution

21 years ago

The unfortunate land of Afghanistan contnues to pay a heavy price for the innocent lives lost there.

Efficacy of Repentance – Part 1

21 years ago

When people forget God, God Almighty also becomes indifferent towards such people.

QUESTION & ANSWER – Belief and Guidance

21 years ago

Is there room for a theocratic state; have more people been killed by religion?; why do we need prophets?

Europe’s Debt to the Islamic World

21 years ago

The renaissance of Europe arose form the legacy of Islam; the contribution of Baghdad.


21 years ago

How religious persecution is totally contrary to Islam and common sense.

Notes and Comment

21 years ago

DNA – A Matter of Life and Death.

Belief In God

21 years ago

How a sincere and genuine belief in God can reform man.

QUESTION & ANSWER: Contemporary Issues

21 years ago

Discussing the equality of men and women and the question of sin and forgiveness.

Persecution of the Ahmadiyya Community in Pakistan: An Analysis Under International Law and International Relations

21 years ago

A detailed review of the background to the persecution of Ahmadis and how it contravenes human rights and the principles…

Islam is the only Living Religion

21 years ago

A thought provoking article on how one defines a ‘living religion’.

Future of Revelation

21 years ago

A powerful discussion on the conept of a divine reformer of the ‘latter days’.

Editorial – Shock and Awe

21 years ago

You have not seen anything yet: Prophetic warnings of Divine Chatisement.

Notes and Comment

21 years ago

True or False

Genetic Enginnering, The Plague, The Aids Virus

21 years ago

Will man ever cease to play God and stop irresponsible genetic engineering? The plague and the AIDS virus testify to…

Reformation-Part IV

21 years ago

When a person shuns bad deeds and he yearns to do good and prays to God, then God helps him…

Promised Messiah’s (as) Ideological Contribution to World Peace and Harmony

21 years ago

How the Promised Messiah(as) and his Succesors provided the fundamentals for removing inter-communal misunderstanding and provided for the basis for…

QUESTION & ANSWER: Belief in the Supreme Being

21 years ago

Answers on the attributes of God, is Jesus(as)the only way, and is religion an excuse by man to explain his…

The Indian Plague

21 years ago

A plague epidemic struck India as prophesied by the Promised Messiah(as). It claimed 377,576 lives in 1903.

An Obituary of Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad

21 years ago

We re g ret to announce the demise of our spiritual head, Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad at 9:30 am on…

The Beginning of Khilafa in the Ahmadiyya Community

21 years ago

An excerpt from The Will about the Divine promise of the Second Manisfestation of His Power.

Two Memorable Quotations

21 years ago

Quotations from Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih III and Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih IV regarding the Divine protection of the continuation of Khilafat.