
21 years ago

God has vouchsafed that He would guard the Holy Qur'an.

Notes and Comments: Religious Tolerance

21 years ago

A personal view on the recent ordination of homosexual bishops in the Anglican church.

Sin Defined

21 years ago

A discussion on the origin of sin.

Analysis of the Divinely Revealed Status of the New Testament

21 years ago

Historical Facts – The mutual discrepancies and contradictions in the Gospels – Acknowledgments of Biblical scholars. A research article investigating…

Treatment of Women by the West

21 years ago

English rendition of a commentary on some verses of the Holy Qur’an. A rejoinder to Orientalists’ criticisms on the treatment…


21 years ago

The spiritual benefits of fasting are inherent in many religions.

Special Feature

21 years ago

An historical address made to distinguished guests, VIP”s and members of the Ahmadiyya Community at the Inauguration of one of…

The Path to Righteousness

21 years ago

Acts of goodness carried out with sincerity and true obedience to God purifies the soul and protects one from not…

Ramadan and the Essence of its Blessings

21 years ago

The holiest of all the months in the year is reviewed with a simple guide to rules of fasting rules…

The I’tikaf Experience

21 years ago

One person’s account of his deep spiritual encounter and experiences during the last ten days of the fasting month.


21 years ago

The concluding chapter of the highly acclaimed book, Revelation, Rationality, Knowledge and Truth which has been serialised regularly in this…

Women in the Holy Qur’an

21 years ago

A clear and concise look at Islamic issues considered by many as oppressive but which in fact provide women with…

STRESS: A Spiritual Perspective and its Management

21 years ago

How a firm conviction in one’s faith, spiritual belief and trust in God is an important factor in controlling stress.


21 years ago

Why the person and purpose of Jesus Christ(as) have continually featured in these pages.

Notes and Comment: Professional Fasting

21 years ago

Why the stunt of the American illusionist falls far short of a great Islamic institution.

Jesus Versus Finality

21 years ago

A rational analysis of the contradictory belief in the physical re-advent of Jesus(as), Son of Mary, after the presupposed last…

Friends of Allah

21 years ago

The righteous pass through much travail and trials but they find God in this very life.

Muslim Beliefs in Jesus Christ(as)

21 years ago

A review of the various Islamic schools of thought surrounding the life and mission of Jesus(as).

QUESTION & ANSWER – Belief and Guidance

21 years ago

If Imam Mahdi has come, why is Islam not the strongest religion in the world? How did the idea of…

The Purpose of Religion and Prophets

21 years ago

A brief look at what religion requires of us and the purpose prophets serve.


21 years ago

A study of the true understanding of Islam reveals the promotion of peace of the individual and society.

Notes and Comment: Headscarves – Oppression or Freedom of Choice?

21 years ago

A person’s religious beliefs and customs should be given priority over secularism and false prejudice.

Islam and Peace

21 years ago

A look at how Islam promotes the establishment of peace at all levels.

Spiritual Progress

21 years ago

Spiritual progress is not just about the rejection of bad deeds but the doing of good acts and sincerity of…

QUESTION & ANSWER – Faith and Belief

21 years ago

The belief in religion through firm conviction in faith rather than scientific reasoning is discussed as well as how experiences…

Islam and the Creation of Peace Loving Men and Women

21 years ago

The Islamic concept of peace extends to avoiding wars, readily making peace, justice and respect for the feeling of others.

Revelation, Rationality, Knowledge and Truth

21 years ago

Continuing the serialisation of the book looking this month at attempts to philosophically justify the finality of non-law bearing prophethood.


21 years ago

Five spheres of activity for the revival of Islam.

Notes and Comment: Who Switched Off the Lights

21 years ago

With power outage humbling the mighty, should man begin to take the blame for his chaos?

History of Islam

21 years ago

A brief history of Islam from the Caliphats, through the medieval era, the Mongols and Ottoman Empires to today (well,…