Alexander Dowie and His Zion

20 years ago

Message from Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih IV(ra) sent to the Ahmadiyya Community in USA before the start of the conference to…

Challenge to Alexander Dowie

20 years ago

John Alexander Dowie founded Zion, 100 miles north of chicago, declaring himself as Elijah III and wishing to end Islam.…

Divine Guidance – Part I

20 years ago

Those who turn a deaf ear to the Prophets of God, deprive themselves from guidance and are engulfed by the…

True Islamic teachings Compared to Al-Qaeda’s Doctrine

20 years ago

A paper read at the networks of instability seminar in Brussels. Religious terrorists, disowned by their own faith, have mentors…

The Immaculate Conception

20 years ago

‘We breathed into her Our Spirit’ is misconstrued as implicating God in a paternal role: Understanding the physical and spiritual…


20 years ago

Does God exist?

Notes & Comment

20 years ago

Religious Freedom: Even basic religious rights are being denied not just by religious extremists but by governments.

Message from Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad

20 years ago

Message from the Head of the worldwide Ahmadiyya Community to the 23rd World Religious conference in Canada.

In Search of the Existence of God

20 years ago

Arguments in support of the existence of God.

The Essence of Islam, Vol.1 part II

20 years ago

What is religion and what are the signs of its truth?

Service to Humanity – A Religious Duty in Islam

20 years ago

The importance of doing good to others.

Al-Hayy – The Living God

20 years ago

The prime attribute of God that makes God worshipable. God lives today as He did before.

Death on the Cross?

20 years ago

Ten undeniable proofs that Jesus(as) did not die on the cross.

The Prophet Promised Through Moses(as), Jesus(as) or Muhammad(sa)?

20 years ago

Continuing the look at the biblical prophecy about Prophet Muhammad(sa).


20 years ago

The role of absolute justice in the human body and beyond.

Notes & Comment

20 years ago

Food For Thought: The impact of food on humans and animals.

The Need For Righteousness

20 years ago

A look at the true source of righteousness for man from the writings of the Promised Messiah(as).

Was Islam Spread by the Sword?

20 years ago

How understanding, not force, was the driving force behind Islam’s rapid progress across the globe - Friday Sermon.

Balance Within the Body

20 years ago

The latent system of justice that governs the microcosm - extracts taken from the book 'Absolute Justice, Kindness and Kinship:…

Moderation in a Fattening World

20 years ago

How following Islamic teachings can lead to a healthier life.

The Prophet Promised Through Moses(as); Jesus(as) or Muhammad(sa)?

20 years ago

Examining a biblical prophecy about Prophet Muhammad(sa).


21 years ago

January 2004 marks the start of yet another year when people of all faiths and backgrounds will be making resolutions…

Eid Message

21 years ago

From the Head of the worldwide Ahmadiyya Community.

Notes & Comment

21 years ago

Trading Partners: International trading is as much about moral ethical, human rights and justice than mere commercial and financial benefits.

The Essence of Islam, Vol.1, part 1

21 years ago

Start of a serialisation of extracts from various writings and books of the Promised Messiah(as).

History of the Ka’aba

21 years ago

Background and history of the Ka’aba and related holy sites in Makkah.

The House of Allah

21 years ago

A Friday sermon from 1983 delivered by Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih IV(ru) that explored the significance of a mosque with reference…

Hajj and its Significance

21 years ago

A short summary of the rites related to the Muslim pilgrimage to Makkah.

Journey to Truth: Hinduism

21 years ago

A look at the teachings of Hinduism and related Prophet Krishna.

The Impact of Alcohol on Society

21 years ago

A brief look into problems caused by alcoholism and Islamic teachings on the subject.