The Essence of Islam: Allah the Exalted – Part 4

20 years ago

Describes many of the attributes of Allah as mentioned in the Holy Qur’an, and their permanent nature.

The Philosophy of Revival of Religion

20 years ago

A speech in Australia describing the prophesies related to the advent of the Messiah, who would bring about the revival…

Saladin – The Legend of Salahuddin

20 years ago

The life and characteristics of Salahuddin (as witnessed through the dignified manner in which he confronted the Crusaders) and what…

Peace Symposium – Biblical view

20 years ago

A Biblical view of peaceful co-existence.

Peace Symposium – Hindu viewpoint

20 years ago

The Hindu viewpoint on religious harmony covered through two messages of peace from a Hindu monument in India.


20 years ago

Never more so than now have we witnessed such polarisation between the Islamic world and the west.

Jihad – The True Islamic Concept

20 years ago

The much misunderstood concept of Jihad which extremists within Islam and Islam’s opponents construe as believe or be smitten by…

Divine Guidance – Part III

20 years ago

The Holy Prophet(sa) reformed people who had become beasts and had prepared such truthful and faithful people that they were…

Jihad, Human Rights and the Treatment of Minorities in Islam

20 years ago

A paper read at the OIC (Organisation for Islamic Cooperation) on Jihad and human rights from Islamic and western perspectives.…

Outstanding Female Muslims of the Holy Prophet’s(sa) Era

20 years ago

Some inspiring accounts from the lives of some of the first female Muslims.

A Brief Introduction to ‘The Daily Al-Fazl’

20 years ago

A brief account of the origins and history of the Rabwah (Pakistan) based religious publication the Alfazl, at present the…


20 years ago

Islam seeks to establish economic justice whereas both capitalism and scientific socialism have failed to do justice to this golden…

The Essence of Islam, Part IV: Allah the Exalted

20 years ago

The concept of God differs among world religions. Even within the body of Islam, there are beliefs which run counter…

A Short Review of the Historical Critique of Usury

20 years ago

Bringing together all the arguments from various religions, traditions and institutions as to why lending on interest should be considered…

Investment, Interest and Islam

20 years ago

If Islam prohibits lending at interest, how does Islam encourage investment and ensure that capital is not hoarded? Why, in…

Cyrus the Great

20 years ago

The legend of the great King Cyrus, famed not only for his expansion of the Persian Empire but also the…

Avoid Those Who Create Disorder: People should identify you as the special servants of Allah

20 years ago

Address to the Annual gathering of the Ahmadiyya Community in Ghana asking participants to deal with others with kindness, tolerance,…

The Essence of Islam – III

20 years ago

Devoting one’s life to the cause of God Almighty so that he becomes the object of worship, the true goal…

Treatment of Prisoners of War

20 years ago

The enslavement of conquered people or their being held as prisoners of war requires that they must be treated with…

Peace Symposium

20 years ago

A Dharma Talk on Buddhism: Emphasis on Peace argues that peace and happiness depend on our minds; by Phrakru Sarnu…

My Journey into the Ahmadiyya Community

20 years ago

A young American recalls her acceptance of Islam.

Noah’s Ark – Another Viewpoint

20 years ago

Those who rode in Noah’s Ark heeded theWarner sent to them; likewise the plague during the time of the Promised…

Letters to the Editor

20 years ago

Sir For the past eight months, I have been receiving your The Review of Religions and as a result have…


20 years ago

The former Archbishop of Canterbury called on Europeans and Americans to resist claims that Islam was morally superior. He obviously…

Islam is a Peaceful Religion

20 years ago

A lecture asking those who call Islam belligerent to reflect. Do Islam’s high values manfest themselves when bombs rain down…

Divine Guidance – Part II

20 years ago

The advent of the Prophet of Islam(sa) was the need of the time. The message given to him is a…

Religious Tolerance

20 years ago

An excelelnt formula for inter-faith respect, tolerance and dialogue, based on a lecture delievered in Ghana.

Economic Justice

20 years ago

The Islamic economic system narrows the gap between the haves and have nots. An emphasis on spending, zakat and prohibition…

Who are the Amish?

20 years ago

An insight into a sect of Mennonites whose men wear broad-minded black hats and women ankle lengh dress.


20 years ago

Terrorists Strike Spain?