
The Existence Project - Logos_Text979

Whether you believe in God or not, some questions are just so big that they compel us all to think existentially.

Enter: The Existence Project.

It’s time for a different conversation about morals, metaphysics and God. Because here at the Existence Project, we understand that sometimes, the most fascinating evidence for water, is thirst.


Because the difference between believing and knowing, is EXPERIENCE.

Experiencing God

The Case of the Missing Mercedes and Proof of a Living God

Against all odds, a missing Mercedes turned into proof of a Living God Who answers % prayers and makes the impossible, possible …

Ramadan, a Golden Sari & the Mercy of God

The story of a 'golden sari' gone missing, a seemingly hopeless search, and a lesson taught by God, all in the month of Ramadan …

God’s Help Against All Odds

In a seemingly hopeless situation, God helped Tahir Ahmad Khalifa and his family as a result of their prayers. …

The Power of Small Steps Toward God

A personal story showing how even the smallest of deeds can draw the pleasure of God …

We can’t see Him. But does that mean He’s not there? Join the conversation about the greatest Existence in existence.

The Existence of God

Scientific Spirit of Islam – Myth or Reality?

Many atheists claim that science and religion are two completely different domains. We break this perspective down from Islam's point of view …

Exploring the Flawlessness of Nature – The Hidden Magic of Fungal Networks

Unveiling the secret world beneath our feet, where fungal network work their silent wonders. …

The Power of Prayer in Ramadan: Have You Given God A Chance?

What miracles can take place during the blessed month of Ramadan? How are the lives of people affected by them? …

Exploring the Flawlessness of Nature – Wonders of Ant Societies

© Shutterstock A Lesson in Flawless Coordination from Nature’s Classroom Musa Sattar, London, UK In the heart of nature’s orchestra, a tiny creature often goes unnoticed, yet its harmonious symphony …

Analysing Atheism

OPINION | A Muslim’s Reflection On Atheist Persecution

Today, some Atheists worldwide are marking #AtheistDay – discussing the fundamental human right to conscience & expression. …

Existence of God: The Treasure Paradigm Part II

Part II opposes athiestic belief of mankind attributing human qualities onto God, but rather, God created the nature of man in His reflection. …

Existence of God: The Treasure Paradigm Part I

Realizing that the question of God’s existence is really a question of the universe’s single greatest treasure. …

Beyond the World: God in the Age of Science

Demanding empirical evidence to see God is the equivalent of closing your eyes and asking to be shown the smell of roses. So how can we find God? …

The Concept of God

Mercy of God

The philosophy of God’s Mercy. …

The Teachings of Christianity, Arya Samaj and Islam in relation to God

Related posts: Answer to objections of the Arya Samaj against Islam Christ in the Quran Refutation of the Christians’ Faith in the Unity of God – Part 15 Christ in …