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The Review of Religions 2004 Index

58 The Review of Religions – December 2004 Eid Message From the Head of the worldwide Ahmadiyya Community, Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih V. The Essence of Islam – Part 1 Start of a serialisation of extracts from various writings and books of the Promised Messiah(as). Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) History of the Ka’aba Background and history of the Ka’aba and related holy sites in Makkah. Fazal Ahmad – UK The House of Allah A Friday sermon from 1983 delivered by Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih IV(ru) that explored the significance of a mosque with reference to the Ka’aba. Hajj and its Significance A short summary of the rites related to the Muslim pilgrimage to Makkah. Bilquees Cheema, Kenya Journey to Truth: Hinduism A look at the teachings of Hinduism and related Prophet Krishna. Abdul Kudus Alimi, Switzerland The Impact of Alcohol on Society A brief look into problems caused by alcoholism and Islamic teachings on the subject. Mr Latif A Qureshi – Edinburgh The Need for Righteousness A look at the true source of righteousness for man from the writings of the Promised Messiah(as). Was Islam Spread by the Sword How understanding, not force, was the driving force behind Islam’s rapid progress across the globe – Friday Sermon delivered by Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Head of the worldwide Ahmadiyya Community. Balance Within the Body The latent system of justice that governs the microcosm – extracts taken from the book Absolute Justice, Kindness and Kinship: The Three Creative Principles by Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad(ru). Moderation in a Fattening Wo r l d How following Islamic teachings can lead to a healthier life. Manzurul A Sikder, MD, USA The Prophet Promised Through Moses(as); Jesus(as); or Muhammad (sa)? Examining a biblical prophecy about Prophet Muhammad(sa). Dr A.R. Bhutta, Nigeria Message from Hadhrat Mirza Masro o r Ahmad Message from the Head of the worldwide Ahmadiyya Community to the 23rd Wo r l d Religious conference in Canada In Search of the Existence of God Arguments in support of the existence of God. Naseem Mahdi, Canada The Essence of Islam – Part II What is religion and what are the signs of its truth? Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) Service to Humanity – A Religious Duty in Islam The importance of doing good to others. Bockarie Tommy Kallon – UK March 2004 February 2004 January 2004 Index of 2004 articles Index of articles published in 2004 59The Review of Religions – December 2004 Al-Hayy – The Living God The prime attribute of God that makes God worshipable. God lives today as He did before. Naeem Ahmad – USA Death on the Cross Ten undeniable proofs that Jesus(as) did not die on the cross. Abul Atta Jallandhri – UK The Prophet Promised Through Moses(as); Jesus(as); or Muhammad(sa)? Continuing the look at the biblical prophecy about Prophet Muhammad(sa). Dr A.R. Bhutta, Nigeria Alexander Dowie and His Zion Message from Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih IV(ra) sent to the Ahmadiyya Community in USA before the start of the conference to commemorate the fulfilment of a grand prophecy concerning Alexander Dowie. Divine Guidance – Part I Those who turn a deaf ear to the Prophets of God, deprive themselves from guidance and are engulfed by the wrath of God. Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) True Islamic Teachings Compared to Al- Qaeda’s Doctrine A paper read at the networks of instability seminar in Brussels. Religious terrorists, disowned by their own faith, have mentors who provide them with the political justification in pursuit of their objective of dying as martyrs. The teachings of Islam totally condemn terrorists and suicide bombers. M.A. Ashraf, Scotland The Immaculate Conception ‘ We breathed into her Our Spirit’ is misconstrued as implicating God in a paternal role: Understanding the physical and spiritual birth of Jesus(as). Moosa Qureshi – UK Islam is a PeacefulReligion A lecture asking those who call Islam belligerent to reflect. Do Islam’s high values manifest themselves when bombs rain down from the skies? Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad Divine Guidance – Part II The advent of the Prophet of Islam(sa) was the need of the time. The message given to him is a living Book, not a story but a philosophy. Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) Religious Tolerance An excellent formula for inter-faith respect, tolerance and dialogue, based on a lecture delivered in Ghana. Abdul Wahab Adam, Amir and Missionary-in- charge, Ghana Economic Justice The Islamic economic system narrows the gap between the haves and have nots. An emphasis on spending, zakat and prohibition of interest ensuring a fast circulation of wealth. Saad Ahmad, USA Who are the Amish? An insight into a sect of Mennonites whose men wear broad-brimmed black hats and women ankle-length dress. Zakaria Virk, Canada. Avoid Those Who Create Disorder: People should identify you as the special servants of Allah Address to the Annual gathering of the Ahmadiyya Community in Ghana asking participants to deal with others with kindness, tolerance, compassion, justice and humility. June 2004 May 2004 April 2004 Index of 2004 articles 60 The Review of Religions – December 2004 By saving the next generation from the ills of the society, become a guarantor for the survival of your future generation and nation. Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad. The Essence of Islam – III Devoting one’s life to the cause of God Almighty so that He becomes the object of worship, the true goal and the beloved and so that one’s life is devoted to the service of His creatures are the true essence of Islam. Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) Treatment of Prisoners of War: The enslavement of conquered people or their being held as prisoners of war requires that they must be treated with justice and granted the rights available to all free persons. Islam set the standards for others to follow. Hadhrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad(as) Peace Symposium A Dharma Talk on Buddhism: Emphasis on Peace argues that peace and happiness depend on our minds, by Phrakru Sarnu Lom; A Jewish View on Peace looking squarely at the absence of war to promote peace, by Rabbi Danny Rich. My Journey into the Ahmadiyya Community A young American recalls her acceptance of Islam. Dara Fulton, USA Noak’s Ark – Another Viewpoint Those who rode in Noah’s Ark heeded the Warner sent to them; likewise the plague during the time of the Promised Messiah(as) swept away 10 million disbelievers. Latif Qureshi. The Essence of Islam, Part IV: Allah the Exalted The concept of God differs among world religions. Even within the body of Islam, there are beliefs which run counter to the majesty and glory of the Gracious God. This piece presents the true Islamic concept of God with detailed exposition of relevant Qur’ a n i c verses and the attributes of God.. Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) A Short Review of the Historical Critique of Usury Bringing together all the arguments from various religions, traditions and institutions as to why lending on interest should be considered wrong with special emphasis on the Islamic model of banking as a viable alternative to the interest-based global economy. Wayne A.M. Visser and Alaister McIntosh Investment, Interest and Islam If Islam prohibits lending at interest, how does Islam encourage investment and ensure that capital is not hoarded? Why, in fact, has Islam forbidden the use of interest? Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad(ru) Cyrus the Great The legend of the great King Cyrus, famed not only for his expansion of the Persian Empire but also the magnanimity with which he treated all his subjects, is recorded in history and also mentioned in the Bible. Could he be the Dhu’l Qarnain mentioned in the Holy Qur’an? Fazal Ahmad – UK Jihad – The True Islamic Concept The much misunderstood concept of Jihad which extremists within Islam and Islam’s opponents construe as believe or be smitten by the sword. Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) Divine Guidance – III The Holy Prophet(sa) reformed people who had become beasts and had prepared such truthful and faithful people that they were prepared to August 2004 July 2004 Index of 2004 articles 61The Review of Religions – December 2004 sacrifice everything for the cause of his religion. On the other hand, Jesus(as) never had the opportunity to cause such a change in his apostles. Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) Jihad, Human Rights and the Treatment of Minorities in Islam A paper read at the OIC (Organisation for Islamic Cooperation) on Jihad and human rights from Islamic and western perspectives. Islamic societies respected non-Muslim minorities but since the second half of the last c e n t u r y, political manipulation of an ill- informed clergy and extremists by governments has led to an abuse of personal freedoms and a call for Jihad. M.A. Ashraf Outstanding Female Muslims of the Holy Prophet’s(sa) Era Some inspiring accounts from the lives of some of the first female Muslims. Quratul-Ain Mirza, Canada A Brief Introduction to The Daily Al-Fazal A brief account of the origins and history of the Rabwah (Pakistan) based religious publication, the Alfazl, at present the only daily published by the community. Ahmad Mustansir, Rabwah The Issue of Evil and Suffering – the Islamic Perspective Addresses the question on why innocent people suffer and whether one can benefit from such trials. Dr. Iftikhar Ahmad Ayaz, OBE, UK The Essence of Islam: Allah the Exalted, Part 4 Describes many of the attributes of Allah as mentioned in the Holy Qur’an, and their permanent nature. Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) The Philosophy of Revival of Religion A speech in Australia describing the prophesies related to the advent of the Messiah, who would bring about the revival of Islam. Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad(ru) Saladin – The Legend of Salahuddin The life and characteristics of Salahuddin (as witnessed through the dignified manner in which he confronted the Crusaders) and what we can learn from his experiences. Fazal Ahmad, UK. The Essence of Islam: Allah the Exalted – Part 5 Describes in detail the four principal attributes of Allah as mentioned in the Holy Qur’an, and how they are related to each other and have been described in the correct order. Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) Distinctive Features of Islam Some of the unique features of Islam ranging from the unity of God, prophethood, the Holy Qur’an, rights of women and life after death that attracted the author to join Islam. Bilal Atkinson, Hartlepool, UK The Holy Qur’an – The Perfect Guidance for Mankind Discussion on how the Holy Qur’an uses the emotions of Hope and Fear to guide mankind towards God. Fauzia Bajwa – Montreal, Canada The Task Ahead A plea to engage in personal reformation and to ignore the fashions and distractions of the outside world. Sir Muhammad Zafrulla Khan The Concept of Jihad in Islam A study of the life and teachings of the Holy Prophet(sa) towards other faiths co-exisiting October 2004 September 2004 Index of 2004 articles 62 The Review of Religions – December 2004 with Muslims. Proof that concepts such as forced conversion are alien to the original notion of Jihad, and that actually Jihad is a personal battle of reformation. Amjad Mahmood Khan, Boston, USA The Human Soul The soul is created by God from the union of two seminal fluids. It is not eternal and uncreated as the Vedas claim. Nor is it created somewhere else and then injected into the body at or just before the birth of a human being. Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) Universality of Islam An in-depth refutation of claims made by Western Orientalists, that Islam was originally intended only for the local Arab tribes. Exposing the weakness of arguments raised against the universality of Islam and clearly establishing that the message of Islam from the outset was for the whole world. Nuruddin Muneer Interview With Montgomery Watt An interview from 1999 of the one whom the Muslim press has described as ‘the Last Orientalist.’ The Reverend Professor Montgomery Watt was 90 at the time. His interest in Islam was aroused by an a rgumentative Muslim back in 1937. His study of Islam appears to have influenced his own interpretation of Christianity. Professor Montgomery Watt is alive in Scotland and is a member of the ecumenical Iona Community. Bashir Maan & Alistair Mcintosh Economic Values The author reflects on verses of the Qur’an and the hadith relating to economic values. Economic values go hand in hand with social values. Recognising that all prosperity proceeds from God should lead individuals and society as a whole to realise that, even from the purely selfish point of view, the greatest benefit is to be derived from beneficent spending and distribution of wealth and not from avariciously holding it back. Late Sir Muhammad Zafrulla Khan Epilogue The concluding chapter of the highly acclaimed book, Revelation, Rationality, Knowledge and Tru t h which has been serialised regularly in this publication Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad(ru) Introduction from Jesus in India The introduction to this masterpiece is as relevant today as it was at the time of its writing over 100 years ago. The mis- conceptions of both Muslims and Christians concerning the life and death of Jesus( a s ) and his bodily ascension has caused much confusion. H o w e v e r, the expectation of a bloody Messiah is a false belief of shortsighted scholars. By Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) Inaugural Address at the Opening of Barakat Mosque in Birmingham A short speech delivered by Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, the current Supreme Head of the Ahmadiyya Community in Islam, on the inauguration of a new mosque in Birmingham. A fresh look at ‘Love for All, Hatred for None’. The Holy Qur’an Answers Four Questions on Education The authors discuss four basic questions on learning in the light of the teachings of the Holy Qur’an. By Abdul Majid and Shahab Ahmad Is there a God? The author discusses the different means by which one can prove the existence of God and reject the conclusion of atheists. By Dr. Tariq Anwar Bajwa December 2004 November 2004 Index of 2004 articles The Review of Religions – December 2003 63 Advertise your business in The Review of Religions and see sales scale to new heights. 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