
Letter to the Editor

Sir I am a regular reader of T h e Review of Religions. The work done is great. I was recently going through the speeches from the various guests at the Peace Symposium held at Baitul Futuh (Morden, UK) on 25 April. I was very happy that the Ahmadiyya Muslim community org a n i s e d such an event and invited people from different faiths. This is a good way to learn about other faiths and for them to learn from us. The problem is that Christians and people of other faiths do not know what Islam actually is. The only information they get is from the media about Islam. In most cases, it is the wrong description of Islam. Even in my school, I have come across some Christian teachers and fellow students who are not really aware of Islam. They try to give a wrong picture in front of others. It is difficult to explain to everyone what Islam actually is. Besides that we also lack know- ledge about other faiths like Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism, Budhism, Sikhism, etc. and this knowledge is nowadays essential for us since we live amongst Christians and people of other faiths. In my opinion, it is very important for us to have knowledge about other faiths as well as ours. For example, the article about Salahuddin Ayyubi (The Review of R e l i g i o n s September 2004) was very inspiring for me and would be for other younger people. So magazines like The Review of Religions are also very important for young people. They give you knowledge about matters that is hardly available in books nowadays. All I want to say is: keep up the good work and promote T h e Review of Religions also amongst younger people. Sumera Ahmed, Friedberg, Germany 63The Review of Religions – Nov 2004 Letter to the Editor We hope you have enjoyed reading this edition of the magazine. The Review of Religions will continue to provide discussion on a wide range of subjects and welcomes any comments or suggestions from its readers. To ensure that you regularly receive this monthly publication, please fill in your details below and we will put you on our mailing list. The cost of one year’s subscription is £15 Sterling or US $30 for overseas readers (Please do not send cash). Payments by US residents should be by check payable to “AMI” (US dollars 30) and sent direct to ‘The Review of Religions’, Baitul Zafar, 86-71 PALO ALTO ST, HOLLISWOOD. NY 11423-1203 (USA). All other subscription payments should be made payable to the London Mosque and sent to the address below: The Review of Religions The London Mosque 16 Gressenhall Road London SW18 5QL United Kingdom Please put me on the mailing list for the Review of Religions for 1 year. I enclose subscription payment of £15.00 or US $30.00 (please see instructions above for US residents). OR if you wish to receive a CD of all the articles published in 2003, please tick the white box above and enclose payment of £5.00, please also add an appropriate sum for postage. Name: ___________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Subscription The Review of Religions If you would like to order a copy of any issue published in 2004, please send £1.50 (or equivalent) providing us with your full name and address. Delivery will be on a first come, first served basis, and in the absence of a copy being available your money will be returned • Are you a subscriber to Th e Review of Religions? • Have you renewed your sub- scription for the next year? Why not sponsor a reader to The Review of Religions by subscribing for him/her and we will send the first edition on your behalf with your compliments Please tick in box if you wish to receive The Review of Religions 2004 CD


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