Categories: Hinduism

Peace Symposium – Hindu viewpoint

60 The Review of Religions – September 2004 Some thoughts from Jai Swaminarayan, a Hindu volunteer from the Sri Swaminarayan Temple in Neasden, North London. Namaste! Good evening! Jai swaminarayan Thank you for giving me this wonderful privilege of addressing friends in such an exotic spiritual ambience – I truly feel at home with you all. My spiritual master, Puiya Pramukh Swami Maharaj arrived in London yesterday. He sends you all his greetings and his love. Words are very important and even more important in the context of todays forum – ‘Religion for Peace’. After great deliberation, we thought it would be most appropriate if I read out two extracts as our interfaith messages. The Hindu Perspective Religion is Peace Symposium On April 25th the Ahmadiyya community hosted a Peace Symposium at Baitul Futuh Mosque in London, where speakers from a number of different faiths spoke to a large audience about the subject of peace within their own religion. We produce below, two speeches from religious representatives from the Christian and Hindu faiths with the kind permission of the two speakers. Sept 04.qxd 04-09-04 21:03 Page 60 The first message I would like to read to you is actually an extract from our unique exhibition in akshardham which is our large monument near Ahmadabad in India. Over 3 million people a year visit this monument. This message is therefore conveyed to a large number of people every year. The message reads: ‘All religions stand side by side, and go hand in hand; they are but one family. born on the same earth, growing under the same skies, they share the same threads of purity and morality. like windows in an endless tapestry of man’s eternal search, they give visions of truth and reality and the real truth of all religion is harmony. our prayers may differ in words and ways, but they convey the same feelings! our pilgrim places may differ in place and form but they carry the same sanctity our morals may differ in phrase and style but they preach the same message, our religions may differ in symbols and names. but they reveal the same meaning UNIVERSAL HARMONY’. The second message I would like to read out to you is an extract from His Holiness’s speech that he made on the 29th August 2000 at the millennium world peace summit of spiritual leaders at the United Nations. ‘let us teach our followers that religion does not grow by quantity of numbers, but by 61 Religion is Peace Symposium The Review of Religions – September 2004 Sept 04.qxd 04-09-04 21:03 Page 61 quality of spirituality; vertical depth is much more important than horizontal spread; If the follower of every religion becomes a better and true follower, then our world will be a much better world. Therefore, we should steer our followers away from fanaticism and towards harmony and pure living. Let us guide ourselves and our followers not only to tolerate but to respect other religions, not just to exist but to co-exist. we must not progress at the cost of others, but sacrifice a part of ourselves for the good of others, because in the good of others lies our own, in the progress of others rests our own and in the joy of others abides our own.’ Thank you for listening to these two short extracts. May I wish you all the very best in pursuing the goal of religion for peace. May God guide us so that we learn to love and live with each other. __________________________ 62 Religion is Peace Symposium The Review of Religions – September 2004 The Lord lives in the heart of every creature. He turns them round and round upon the wheel of his Maya. Take refuge utterly in Him. By His grace you will find supreme peace, and the state which is beyond all change. (Bhagavad Gita 18.61-62) With this peace the dreadful I appease, with this peace the cruel I appease, with this peace all evil I appease, so that peace may prevail, happiness prevail! (Atharva Veda 19.9.14) Sept 04.qxd 04-09-04 21:03 Page 62 63The Review of Religions – September 2004 Advertisement Advertise your business in The Review of Religions and see sales scale to new heights. Existing adverts can be placed and sponsorship on regular features is available in this longest running worldwide Muslim monthly magazine. Rates available on request from the Manager at: The Review of Religions 16 Gresssenhall Road London SW18 5QL Sept 04.qxd 04-09-04 21:03 Page 63 We hope you have enjoyed reading this edition of the magazine. The Review of Religions will continue to provide discussion on a wide range of subjects and welcomes any comments or suggestions from its readers. 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