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The question ‘Does God exist?’ has been debated by philosophers and theologians for centuries. Larg e sections of society have always believed in God. There are those who do not subscribe to any particular faith but affirm that they do believe in some kind of deity. Religious belief gives a framework by which to live one’s life. All faiths address the individual and the community at large and this includes how to understand one’s responsibilities to one’s fellow beings. As such, religion is very relevant to the world today. Recent developments in science, especially in molecular biology and biomedical engineering have moved the capabilities of mankind into as yet unknown areas and has highlighted the need for an ethical dimension by which to consider how these new technologies can be of benefit rather than detriment to society. It is religion that provides these guidelines. But how does one approach the question of the existence of God? In this issue of The Review of Religions there is an article entitled ‘In search of the Existence of God’. This is the based on a presentation given at the World Religions Conference held in Canada last year. Several arguments based on the Holy Qur’an, are put forward as proof of the existence of God. The article argues that God has revealed Himself through the prophets and messengers of God. It demonstrates the importance of considering historical evidence and also of personal experience. The author also states the importance of considering the testimonies of those who lived at the time of the prophets, ‘All those prophets … were indeed credible people and their lives were pure and no one could ever challenge their integrity.’ Belief in the existence of God is not a mystical requirement of faith. It can be approached using reason and logic. In addition, a genuine desire to find God on the part of the seeker also has a significant role to play. Mansoor Saqi – UK 2 The Review of Religions – March 2004 Editorial


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