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From the micro to the macro there is a very refined system of balance in our universe. This balance, like the universe itself, is not the product of chance but is a reflection of a quality of its Creator. One of God’s characteristics is that he is ‘al-Adl’ i.e. ‘The Just’ and this forms the fountainhead of absolute justice for the heavens and the earth. The nature of this justice permeates every sphere of creation and every law of nature, for without this there can be no balance or harmony. In this issue of The Review of Religions two articles examine the balance created within man and review its impact on man himself. It seems that if there is a disregard for justice at one level and if this remains unchecked, then action is taken at a different level to remedy it. In the human body, for example, the mercy of God has allowed man some flexibility in the way he looks after his health. However, persistent excesses are ultimately punished and disorders such as diabetes and heart disease are an outcome of man’s disregard for the natural limits. The balance also reflects an in-built system of crime and punishment where the punishment is meted out by a force beyond man’s control. Interestingly enough the punishment acts as a warning as well as being an action in the interest of man himself, as it seeks to limit the wider damage that could result. If man rectifies his behaviour he may live on, perhaps with some restrictions, but the objective of justice would have been served. If he continues to ignore the warning signs then he may suffer even more. Such justice is required to maintain balance and order within the body otherwise it would cease to function, and to be effective it must operate independent of the will of man. This is a good reflection of the system that operates at every level in life and man should be ever wary that his actions never go unnoticed, and if he ignores the principle of absolute justice then he will, without exception, be made accountable for this neglect. Fareed Ahmad 2 The Review of Religions – February 2004 Editorial


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