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EDITORIAL It seems to be an unfortunate feature of our times that Muslims states are more often than not at loggerheads with one other. If the discord does not manifest itself in outright hostilities backed by military power, it takes the form of.ideological, economic, political or other aspects. But the disunity remains constant. For eight years Iraq and Iran had been waging an utterly, senseless and futile war which caused deaths of hundreds of thousands on both sides ” along with vast and almost irreparable damage to their economies. The worst part of the exercise was that the non-Muslim world witnessed the ugly spectacle of one Muslim nation fighting another Muslim nation. The winners were those who did not take part in the game. On top of this, both countries were fighting ‘in the name of Islam’, presenting thus yet another ghastlier notion of Jihad ( Holy war ). The disunity among Muslim nations of our day has robbed them of their coveted title of ‘united Ummah’ Which was created by the Holy Prophet Mohammed , peace and blessings of God be upon him. Multilateral treaties and pacts exist between various blocs in the world, many of them involving also Muslim countries. However, the fact cannot be denied that the lack of unity among Muslim countries is a continuous source of rejoicing for non-Muslim nations, even though many of them do not hesitate to pose as friends of Muslims. The tragedy of Kuwait, which was invaded by Iraq in the early hours of August 2 , 1990, is yet another demonstration of how hopelessly divided and disunited the ‘world of Islam’ is. They have been even unable to unanimously condemn in unequivocal terms the unprovoked, unjustifia- ble, naked aggression by which Iraq made itself guilty. If the Muslim states of today had before them the wise precepts of the Holy Quran, the latest eruption on the political and geographical scene of the Gulf area could have been avoided. But to follow the principles laid down by the Quran, requires subordinating individual interests to the higher interests of the Community the Ummah. The Holy Quran contains a most effective method of coping with a situation such as has been created by her mighty neighbour Iraq. God says in the Holy Quran: And if two parties of believers fight each other, make peace between REVIEW OF RELIGIONS 3 them. Then, if one of them transgresses against the other, fight the party that transgresses until it returns to the command of Allah. Then, If it returns, make peace between them with equity, and act justly. Verily, Allah loves the just. Surely, all believers are brothers. So make peace between your brothers, and fear Allah that mercy may be shown to you. (49:10,11) Here we are told that if two Muslim nations initiate hostilities against each other, the remaining Muslim countries should unanimously take the necessary steps and intervene in an attempt to put a swift end to the conflict. Their united and concreted efforts are bound to bring about an • immediate truce followed by a just peace. Should one of the belligerent parties not be inclined towards peace and refuses to bow to the demands of the rest of the Muslim community — the united Ummah, then force should be used against the intransigent party till it accepts the verdict of the Ummah and is willing to end hostilities. Muslim nations have been ignoring this wise injunction of the Quran for centuries and the result is the chaos in which they find themselves. Outsiders are allowed to intervene, which tney, of course, do with, their own interests foremost in their minds. The latest crisis in the Gulf proves the point. Once again Muslim nations are going to be the losers. The greatest misfortune of the Muslims of today is that they have no leadership. Numbers do not count Leadership is missing. About a billion Muslims of the world are at the mercy of others who are in real power. Muslim nations are exhausting their energies fighting with each other. Their plight is irreversible as long as they do not recognise and accept the leadership which God has established for them; and that leadership is there in the form of the Imam Mahdi who has come as the Promised Messiah, but whose arrival is still being awaited by ‘Muslims’ in the same manner as Jews for centuries have been vainly awaiting the advent of their Messiah. The solution of all the problems of the Muslim world lies in their return to God and in their whole-hearted and sincere acceptance of the leadership of the Imam of the day. We can only hope and pray to God Almighty that the Muslim nations may be granted the insight, strength and courage to accept the leadership which is embodied today in the Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam. Only through this can they be united in the ‘One Ummah’ which was established by the Holy Prophet Mohammad and revived by the Promised Messiah, peace and blessings of God be upon them.


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