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Righteousness Draws Divine Succour

14 REVIEW OF RELIGIONS words from the Holy Quran in a low voice: Those who suppress anger. (3:135) £ The Imam replied that he had suppressed his anger. The slave then recited a further portion of the text: And pardon men. £$\Kf$j£&j- One may suppress anger without being satisfied at heart; so this verse in the Holy Quran also calls for pardon which the Imam granted. The slave then recited the final portion of the verse: And God loves those who do good. ” ©SJ^fe That is to say those who do an additional favour after suppressing their anger and granting pardon and forgiveness. On hearing this last portion of the verse Hazrat Imam Hasan told the slave that he -was now free. What a sublime example of righteousness! The spilt tea led to the freedom of the slave. Such noble conduct was the result of taqwa. God says in the Holy Quran: So stand thou upright, as thou hast been commanded. (11:113) God will be pleased with you if you are upright and there is no crookedness in your conduct. Also make others upright. What an arduous task it was to set the Arabs right! In answer to a question the Holy Prophet of Islam replied that the chapter in the Holy Quran, Al-Hud, made him feel old because it laid upon his shoulders the great responsibility to be righteous and also to make others righteous. One may be able to rectify one’s own conduct but it is not so easy to rectify the conduct of others. The success of the Holy Prophet in this respect proves his sublime dignity and rectifying power. He raised a holy community of people about whom God says in the Holy Quran: You are the best people raised for the good of mankind. God is well pleased with them and they are well pleased with Him.(5:120) (continued on page 18)


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